Enumeration IntermediateResultUnitType
defines different types of intermediate results generated or expected to be generated during image processing.
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enum EnumIntermediateResultUnitType { /** No intermediate result. */ IRUT_NULL = 0, /** A full-color image. */ IRUT_COLOUR_IMAGE = 1, /** A color image that has been scaled down for efficiency. */ IRUT_SCALED_DOWN_COLOUR_IMAGE = 1 << 1, /** A grayscale image derived from the original input. */ IRUT_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1 << 2, /** A grayscale image that has undergone transformation. */ IRUT_TRANSOFORMED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1 << 3, /** A grayscale image enhanced for further processing. */ IRUT_ENHANCED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1 << 4, /** Regions pre-detected as potentially relevant for further analysis. */ IRUT_PREDETECTED_REGIONS = 1 << 5, /** A binary (black and white) image. */ IRUT_BINARY_IMAGE = 1 << 6, /** Results from detecting textures within the image. */ IRUT_TEXTURE_DETECTION_RESULT = 1 << 7, /** A grayscale image with textures removed to enhance subject details like text or barcodes. */ IRUT_TEXTURE_REMOVED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1 << 8, /** A binary image with textures removed, useful for clear detection of subjects without background noise. */ IRUT_TEXTURE_REMOVED_BINARY_IMAGE = 1 << 9, /** Detected contours within the image, which can help in identifying shapes and objects. */ IRUT_CONTOURS = 1 << 10, /** Detected line segments, useful in structural analysis of the image content. */ IRUT_LINE_SEGMENTS = 1 << 11, /** Identified text zones, indicating areas with potential textual content. */ IRUT_TEXT_ZONES = 1 << 12, /** A binary image with text regions removed. */ IRUT_TEXT_REMOVED_BINARY_IMAGE = 1 << 13, /** Zones identified as potential barcode areas, aiding in focused barcode detection. */ IRUT_CANDIDATE_BARCODE_ZONES = 1 << 14, /** Barcodes that have been localized but not yet decoded. */ IRUT_LOCALIZED_BARCODES = 1 << 15, /** Barcode images scaled up for improved readability or decoding accuracy. */ IRUT_SCALED_UP_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1 << 16, /** Images of barcodes processed to resist deformation and improve decoding success. */ IRUT_DEFORMATION_RESISTED_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1 << 17, /** Barcode images that have been complemented. */ IRUT_COMPLEMENTED_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1 << 18, /** Successfully decoded barcodes. */ IRUT_DECODED_BARCODES = 1 << 19, /** Detected long lines. */ IRUT_LONG_LINES = 1 << 20, /** Detected corners within the image. */ IRUT_CORNERS = 1 << 21, /** Candidate edges identified as potential components of quadrilaterals. */ IRUT_CANDIDATE_QUAD_EDGES = 1 << 22, /** Successfully detected quadrilaterals. */ IRUT_DETECTED_QUADS = 1 << 23, /** Text lines that have been localized in preparation for recognition. */ IRUT_LOCALIZED_TEXT_LINES = 1 << 24, /** Successfully recognized text lines. */ IRUT_RECOGNIZED_TEXT_LINES = 1 << 25, /** Successfully normalized images. */ IRUT_NORMALIZED_IMAGES = 1 << 26, /**Detected short lines.*/ IRUT_SHORT_LINES = 1 << 27, /**grouped lines of text.*/ IRUT_TEXT_LINE_GROUPS = 1 << 28, /** A mask to select all types of intermediate results. */ IRUT_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF }
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) public @interface EnumIntermediateResultUnitType { /** No intermediate result. */ long IRUT_NULL = 0L; /** A full-color image. */ long IRUT_COLOUR_IMAGE = 1L; /** A color image that has been scaled down for efficiency. */ long IRUT_SCALED_DOWN_COLOUR_IMAGE = 1L << 1; /** A grayscale image derived from the original input. */ long IRUT_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1L << 2; /** A grayscale image that has undergone transformation. */ long IRUT_TRANSOFORMED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1L << 3; /** A grayscale image enhanced for further processing. */ long IRUT_ENHANCED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1L << 4; /** Regions pre-detected as potentially relevant for further analysis. */ long IRUT_PREDETECTED_REGIONS = 1L << 5; /** A binary (black and white) image. */ long IRUT_BINARY_IMAGE = 1L << 6; /** Results from detecting textures within the image. */ long IRUT_TEXTURE_DETECTION_RESULT = 1L << 7; /** A grayscale image with textures removed to enhance subject details like text or barcodes. */ long IRUT_TEXTURE_REMOVED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1L << 8; /** A binary image with textures removed, useful for clear detection of subjects without background noise. */ long IRUT_TEXTURE_REMOVED_BINARY_IMAGE = 1L << 9; /** Detected contours within the image, which can help in identifying shapes and objects. */ long IRUT_CONTOURS = 1L << 10; /** Detected line segments, useful in structural analysis of the image content. */ long IRUT_LINE_SEGMENTS = 1L << 11; /** Identified text zones, indicating areas with potential textual content. */ long IRUT_TEXT_ZONES = 1L << 12; /** A binary image with text regions removed. */ long IRUT_TEXT_REMOVED_BINARY_IMAGE = 1L << 13; /** Zones identified as potential barcode areas, aiding in focused barcode detection. */ long IRUT_CANDIDATE_BARCODE_ZONES = 1L << 14; /** Barcodes that have been localized but not yet decoded. */ long IRUT_LOCALIZED_BARCODES = 1L << 15; /** Barcode images scaled up for improved readability or decoding accuracy. */ long IRUT_SCALED_UP_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1L << 16; /** Images of barcodes processed to resist deformation and improve decoding success. */ long IRUT_DEFORMATION_RESISTED_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1L << 17; /** Barcode images that have been complemented. */ long IRUT_COMPLEMENTED_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1L << 18; /** Successfully decoded barcodes. */ long IRUT_DECODED_BARCODES = 1L << 19; /** Detected long lines. */ long IRUT_LONG_LINES = 1L << 20; /** Detected corners within the image. */ long IRUT_CORNERS = 1L << 21; /** Candidate edges identified as potential components of quadrilaterals. */ long IRUT_CANDIDATE_QUAD_EDGES = 1L << 22; /** Successfully detected quadrilaterals. */ long IRUT_DETECTED_QUADS = 1L << 23; /** Text lines that have been localized in preparation for recognition. */ long IRUT_LOCALIZED_TEXT_LINES = 1L << 24; /** Successfully recognized text lines. */ long IRUT_RECOGNIZED_TEXT_LINES = 1L << 25; /** Successfully normalized images. */ long IRUT_NORMALIZED_IMAGES = 1L << 26; /** Detected short lines. */ long IRUT_SHORT_LINES = 1L << 27; /** A mask to select all types of intermediate results. */ long IRUT_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFL; }
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, DSIntermediateResultUnitType) { /** No intermediate result. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeNull = 0, /** A full-color image. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeColourImage = 1, /** A color image that has been scaled down for efficiency. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeScaledDownColourImage = 1 << 1, /** A grayscale image derived from the original input. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeGrayscaleImage = 1 << 2, /** A grayscale image that has undergone transformation. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeTransformedGrayscaleImage = 1 << 3, /** A grayscale image enhanced for further processing. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeEnhancedGrayscaleImage = 1 << 4, /** Regions pre-detected as potentially relevant for further analysis. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypePredetectedRegions = 1 << 5, /** A binary (black and white) image. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeBinaryImage = 1 << 6, /** Results from detecting textures within the image. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeTextureDetectionResult = 1 << 7, /** A grayscale image with textures removed to enhance subject details like text or barcodes. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeTextureRemovedGrayscaleImage = 1 << 8, /** A binary image with textures removed, useful for clear detection of subjects without background noise. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeTextureRemovedBinaryImage = 1 << 9, /** Detected contours within the image, which can help in identifying shapes and objects. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeContours = 1 << 10, /** Detected line segments, useful in structural analysis of the image content. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeLineSegments = 1 << 11, /** Identified text zones, indicating areas with potential textual content. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeTextZones = 1 << 12, /** A binary image with text regions removed. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeTextRemovedBinaryImage = 1 << 13, /** Zones identified as potential barcode areas, aiding in focused barcode detection. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeCandidateBarcodeZones = 1 << 14, /** Barcodes that have been localized but not yet decoded. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeLocalizedBarcodes = 1 << 15, /** Barcode images scaled up for improved readability or decoding accuracy. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeScaledUpBarcodeImage = 1 << 16, /** Images of barcodes processed to resist deformation and improve decoding success. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeDeformationResistedBarcodeImage = 1 << 17, /** Barcode images that have been complemented. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeComplementedBarcodeImage = 1 << 18, /** Successfully decoded barcodes. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeDecodedBarcodes = 1 << 19, /** Detected long lines. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeLongLines = 1 << 20, /** Detected corners within the image. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeCorners = 1 << 21, /** Candidate edges identified as potential components of quadrilaterals. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeCandidateQuadEdges = 1 << 22, /** Successfully detected quadrilaterals. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeDetectedQuads = 1 << 23, /** Text lines that have been localized in preparation for recognition. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeLocalizedTextLines = 1 << 24, /** Successfully recognized text lines. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeRecognizedTextLines = 1 << 25, /** Successfully normalized images. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeNormalizedImages = 1 << 26, /** Detected short lines. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeShortLines = 1 << 27, /** A mask to select all types of intermediate results. */ DSIntermediateResultUnitTypeAll = 0xFFFFFFF };
public enum IntermediateResultUnitType: Int { /** No intermediate result. */ case null = 0 /** A full-color image. */ case colourImage = 1 /** A color image that has been scaled down for efficiency. */ case scaledDownColourImage = 1 << 1 /** A grayscale image derived from the original input. */ case grayscaleImage = 1 << 2 /** A grayscale image that has undergone transformation. */ case transformedGrayscaleImage = 1 << 3 /** A grayscale image enhanced for further processing. */ case enhancedGrayscaleImage = 1 << 4 /** Regions pre-detected as potentially relevant for further analysis. */ case predetectedRegions = 1 << 5 /** A binary (black and white) image. */ case binaryImage = 1 << 6 /** Results from detecting textures within the image. */ case textureDetectionResult = 1 << 7 /** A grayscale image with textures removed to enhance subject details like text or barcodes. */ case textureRemovedGrayscaleImage = 1 << 8 /** A binary image with textures removed, useful for clear detection of subjects without background noise. */ case textureRemovedBinaryImage = 1 << 9 /** Detected contours within the image, which can help in identifying shapes and objects. */ case contours = 1 << 10 /** Detected line segments, useful in structural analysis of the image content. */ case lineSegments = 1 << 11 /** Identified text zones, indicating areas with potential textual content. */ case textZones = 1 << 12 /** A binary image with text regions removed. */ case textRemovedBinaryImage = 1 << 13 /** Zones identified as potential barcode areas, aiding in focused barcode detection. */ case candidateBarcodeZones = 1 << 14 /** Barcodes that have been localized but not yet decoded. */ case localizedBarcodes = 1 << 15 /** Barcode images scaled up for improved readability or decoding accuracy. */ case scaledUpBarcodeImage = 1 << 16 /** Images of barcodes processed to resist deformation and improve decoding success. */ case deformationResistedBarcodeImage = 1 << 17 /** Barcode images that have been complemented. */ case complementedBarcodeImage = 1 << 18 /** Successfully decoded barcodes. */ case decodedBarcodes = 1 << 19 /** Detected long lines. */ case longLines = 1 << 20 /** Detected corners within the image. */ case corners = 1 << 21 /** Candidate edges identified as potential components of quadrilaterals. */ case candidateQuadEdges = 1 << 22 /** Successfully detected quadrilaterals. */ case detectedQuads = 1 << 23 /** Text lines that have been localized in preparation for recognition. */ case localizedTextLines = 1 << 24 /** Successfully recognized text lines. */ case recognizedTextLines = 1 << 25 /** Successfully normalized images. */ case normalizedImages = 1 << 26 /** Detected short lines. */ case shortLines = 1 << 27 /** A mask to select all types of intermediate results. */ case all = 0xFFFFFFF }
enum IntermediateResultUnitType : unsigned long long { /** No intermediate result. */ IRUT_NULL = 0, /** A full-color image. */ IRUT_COLOUR_IMAGE = 1, /** A color image that has been scaled down for efficiency. */ IRUT_SCALED_DOWN_COLOUR_IMAGE = 1 << 1, /** A grayscale image derived from the original input. */ IRUT_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1 << 2, /** A grayscale image that has undergone transformation. */ IRUT_TRANSFORMED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1 << 3, /** A grayscale image enhanced for further processing. */ IRUT_ENHANCED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1 << 4, /** Regions pre-detected as potentially relevant for further analysis. */ IRUT_PREDETECTED_REGIONS = 1 << 5, /** A binary (black and white) image. */ IRUT_BINARY_IMAGE = 1 << 6, /** Results from detecting textures within the image. */ IRUT_TEXTURE_DETECTION_RESULT = 1 << 7, /** A grayscale image with textures removed to enhance subject details like text or barcodes. */ IRUT_TEXTURE_REMOVED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE = 1 << 8, /** A binary image with textures removed, useful for clear detection of subjects without background noise. */ IRUT_TEXTURE_REMOVED_BINARY_IMAGE = 1 << 9, /** Detected contours within the image, which can help in identifying shapes and objects. */ IRUT_CONTOURS = 1 << 10, /** Detected line segments, useful in structural analysis of the image content. */ IRUT_LINE_SEGMENTS = 1 << 11, /** Identified text zones, indicating areas with potential textual content. */ IRUT_TEXT_ZONES = 1 << 12, /** A binary image with text regions removed. */ IRUT_TEXT_REMOVED_BINARY_IMAGE = 1 << 13, /** Zones identified as potential barcode areas, aiding in focused barcode detection. */ IRUT_CANDIDATE_BARCODE_ZONES = 1 << 14, /** Barcodes that have been localized but not yet decoded. */ IRUT_LOCALIZED_BARCODES = 1 << 15, /** Barcode images scaled up for improved readability or decoding accuracy. */ IRUT_SCALED_UP_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1 << 16, /** Images of barcodes processed to resist deformation and improve decoding success. */ IRUT_DEFORMATION_RESISTED_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1 << 17, /** Barcode images that have been complemented. */ IRUT_COMPLEMENTED_BARCODE_IMAGE = 1 << 18, /** Successfully decoded barcodes. */ IRUT_DECODED_BARCODES = 1 << 19, /** Detected long lines. */ IRUT_LONG_LINES = 1 << 20, /** Detected corners within the image. */ IRUT_CORNERS = 1 << 21, /** Candidate edges identified as potential components of quadrilaterals. */ IRUT_CANDIDATE_QUAD_EDGES = 1 << 22, /** Successfully detected quadrilaterals. */ IRUT_DETECTED_QUADS = 1 << 23, /** Text lines that have been localized in preparation for recognition. */ IRUT_LOCALIZED_TEXT_LINES = 1 << 24, /** Successfully recognized text lines. */ IRUT_RECOGNIZED_TEXT_LINES = 1 << 25, /** Successfully normalized images. */ IRUT_NORMALIZED_IMAGES = 1 << 26, /** Detected short lines. */ IRUT_SHORT_LINES = 1 << 27, /** Recognized raw text lines. */ IRUT_RAW_TEXT_LINES = 1 << 28, /** A mask to select all types of intermediate results. */ IRUT_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF };