Resource Base
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The CIntermediateResultUnit class represents an intermediate result unit used in image processing. It is an abstract base class with multiple subclasses, each representing a different type of unit such as pre-detected regions, localized barcodes, decoded barcodes, localized text lines, binary image, gray image, etc.


Namespace: dynamsoft::intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class CIntermediateResultUnit 

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetHashId Gets the hash ID of the unit.
GetSourceImageHashId Gets the hash ID of the source image.
GetSourceImageTag Gets the image tag of the source image.
GetLocalToSourceImageTransformMatrix Gets the transformation matrix from local to source image coordinates.
SetLocalToSourceImageTransformMatrix Sets the transformation matrix from local to source image coordinates.
GetType Gets the type of the intermediate result unit.
Clone Creates a copy of the intermediate result unit.
SetHashId Sets the hash ID of the unit.
SetSourceImageHashId Sets the hash ID of the source image.
SetSourceImageTag Sets the image tag of the source image.
Retain Increases the reference count of the unit.
Release Decreases the reference count of the unit.
GetRotationTransformMatrix Gets the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.
SetRotationTransformMatrix Sets the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.


Gets the hash ID of the intermediate result unit.

const char* GetHashId() const

Return value

Returns the hash ID of the unit.


Gets the hash ID of the source image.

const char* GetSourceImageHashId() const

Return value

Returns the hash ID of the source image.


Gets the image tag of the source image.

const CImageTag* GetSourceImageTag() const

Return value

Returns the image tag of the source image.


Gets the transformation matrix from local to source image coordinates.

virtual void GetLocalToSourceImageTransformMatrix(double matrix[9]) const


[out] matrix The transformation matrix.


Sets the transformation matrix from local to source image coordinates.

virtual void SetLocalToSourceImageTransformMatrix(double matrix[9])


[in] matrix The transformation matrix.


Gets the type of the intermediate result unit.

virtual IntermediateResultUnitType GetType() const = 0

Return value

Returns the type of the intermediate result unit.


Creates a copy of the intermediate result unit.

virtual CIntermediateResultUnit* Clone() const = 0

Return value

Returns a copy of the intermediate result unit.


Sets the hash ID of the intermediate result unit.

void SetHashId(const char* _hashId)


[in] _hashId The hash ID to set.


Sets the hash ID of the source image.

void SetSourceImageHashId(const char* _sourceImageHashId)


[in] _sourceImageHashId The hash ID to set.


Sets the image tag of the source image.

void SetSourceImageTag(const CImageTag* _tag)


[in] _tag The image tag to set.


Increases the reference count of the intermediate result unit.

virtual void Retain() = 0


Decreases the reference count of the intermediate result unit.

virtual void Release() = 0


Gets the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.

void GetRotationTransformMatrix(double matrix[9]) const;


[out] matrix A double array which represents the rotation transform matrix.


Sets the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.

void SetRotationTransformMatrix(double matrix[9]);


[in] matrix A double array which represents the rotation transform matrix.

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