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The CShortLinesUnit class represents an intermediate result unit that contains the short lines. It is derived from the CIntermediateResultUnit class.




class CShortLinesUnit : public CIntermediateResultUnit

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetCount Gets the number of short lines in the collection.
GetShortLine Gets the short line at the specified index.
operator[] Gets the short line at the specified index.
RemoveAllShortLines Removes all short lines from the unit.
RemoveShortLine Removes the short line at the specified index.
AddShortLine Adds a short line to the unit.
SetShortLine Sets the short line at the specified index.


Gets the number of short lines in the collection.

virtual int GetCount() const = 0;

Return ValueReturns the number of short lines in the collection.


Gets the short line at the specified index.

virtual const CLineSegmentGetShortLine(int index) const = 0;


index The index of the short line to get.

Return Value

A pointer to the CLineSegment object that represents the short line at the specified index.


Gets the short line at the specified index.

virtual const CLineSegmentoperator[](int index) const = 0;


index The index of the short line to get.

Return Value

A pointer to the CLineSegment object that represents the short line at the specified index.


Removes all short lines from the unit.

virtual void RemoveAllShortLines() = 0;


Removes the short line at the specified index.

virtual int RemoveShortLine(int index) = 0;


index The index of the short line to remove.

Return Value

Returns 0 if the operation succeeds, or a nonzero error code if the operation fails.


Adds a short line to the unit.

virtual int AddShortLine(const CLineSegment& line, const double matrixToOriginalImage[9] =  IDENTITY_MATRIX) = 0;


line The short line to add.

matrixToOriginalImage The matrix to original image.

Return Value

Returns 0 if the operation succeeds, or a nonzero error code if the operation fails.


Sets the short line at the specified index.

virtual int SetShortLine(int index, const CLineSegment& line, const double matrixToOriginalImage[9] =  IDENTITY_MATRIX) = 0;


index The index of the short line to set.

line The short line to set.

matrixToOriginalImage The matrix to original image.

Return Value

Returns 0 if the operation succeeds, or a nonzero error code if the operation fails.

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