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The TextLineResultItem class represents a single text line result item recognized by the library. It is derived from CapturedResultItem and is one of the base items of RecognizedTextLinesResult.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dlr

Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.aar

class TextLineResultItem extends CapturedResultItem

Inheritance: CapturedResultItem -> TextLineResultItem


Method Description
getText Gets the text content of the text line.
getLocation Gets the location of the text line in the form of a quadrilateral.
getConfidence Gets the confidence of the text line recognition result.
getCharacterResults Get all the characters in the text line. Each character is represented by a CharacterResult object.
getSpecificationName Get the name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.


Gets the text content of the individual text line.

String getText();

Return value

Returns the text content of the text line.


It is used to get the location of the text line in the form of a Quadrilateral.

Quadrilateral getLocation();

Return value

Returns the location of the text line in the form of a quadrilateral.


Gets the confidence of the individual text line recognition result.

int getConfidence();

Return value

Returns the confidence of the text line recognition result.


Returns all the characters in the text line. Each character is represented by a CharacterResult object.

CharacterResult[] getCharacterResults();

Return value

An array of CharacterResult contains all the characters.


Get the name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.

String getSpecificationName();

Return value

The name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.

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