Integrating Dynamsoft's C++ Barcode SDK v10 into Go Module with a C Wrapper

Starting with version 10, the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK has been entirely rewritten in C++, providing exclusively C++ APIs. This marks a significant departure from version 9.x, which offered both C and C++ APIs, rendering our Go module designed for version 9.x incompatible with version 10. The incompatibility arises because cgo does not directly support calling C++ APIs. In this article, we will demonstrate how to create a C wrapper to call the C++ API of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK v10. Subsequently, we’ll only need to update the import “C” statement to link the C wrapper library, avoiding any modifications to the existing Go wrapper code.


Step 1: Getting Started with the C++ Barcode SDK

The Dynamsoft Barcode Reader v10.x includes a set of C++ libraries (for Windows x86/x64 and Linux x64), header files, and templates. After coping these components into the lib folder, the directory structure should look like this:

|- goBarcodeQrSDK
    |- lib
        |- windows
            |- DBR-PresetTemplates.json
            |- DynamicImagex64.dll
            |- DynamicPdfCorex64.dll
            |- DynamicPdfx64.dll
            |- DynamsoftBarcodeReaderx64.dll
            |- DynamsoftBarcodeReaderx64.lib
            |- DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouterx64.dll
            |- DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouterx64.lib
            |- DynamsoftCorex64.dll
            |- DynamsoftCorex64.lib
            |- DynamsoftImageProcessingx64.dll
            |- DynamsoftImageProcessingx64.lib
            |- DynamsoftLicensex64.dll
            |- DynamsoftLicensex64.lib
            |- DynamsoftUtilityx64.dll
            |- DynamsoftUtilityx64.lib
            |- vcomp140.dll
        |- linux 
            |- DBR-PresetTemplates.json
        |- DynamsoftBarcodeReader.h
        |- DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.h
        |- DynamsoftCodeParser.h
        |- DynamsoftCore.h
        |- DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer.h
        |- DynamsoftImageProcessing.h
        |- DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.h
        |- DynamsoftLicense.h
        |- DynamsoftUtility.h

Step 2: Creating a C Wrapper with CMake

CMake C wrapper for C++

We will develop a C wrapper to bridge the C++ API of the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK v10. This wrapper will be constructed using CMake. The structure of the CMakeLists.txt file is as follows:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0)

project(bridge VERSION 0.1.0)

    set(TARGET_LIB_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../linux/")
    set(TARGET_LIB_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../windows/")

add_library(bridge SHARED bridge.cpp)

    target_link_libraries (${PROJECT_NAME} "DynamsoftLicense" "DynamsoftBarcodeReader" "DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter" "DynamsoftCore")
        target_link_libraries (${PROJECT_NAME} "DynamsoftLicensex64" "DynamsoftBarcodeReaderx64" "DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouterx64" "DynamsoftCorex64")

# Copy the built library to the target directory
add_custom_command(TARGET bridge POST_BUILD

In bridge.h, we declare C functions for cgo to invoke, and these are implemented in bridge.cpp. As we compile the C wrapper into a shared library, we utilize the add_custom_command in CMake to automate copying the compiled library into the desired directory.

Reflecting on the C API provided by Dynamsoft Barcode Reader v9.x, we will declare similar C functions in bridge.h:

#ifndef C_BRIDGING_H
#define C_BRIDGING_H

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#define C_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define C_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))

typedef struct
    int x1;
    int y1;
    int x2;
    int y2;
    int x3;
    int y3;
    int x4;
    int y4;

} LocalizationResult;

typedef struct
    char *barcodeFormatString;
    char *barcodeText;
    LocalizationResult *localizationResult;
    char reserved[44];
} TextResult;

typedef struct
    int resultsCount;
    TextResult *results;
} TextResultArray;

typedef enum ConflictMode
    CM_IGNORE = 1,

} ConflictMode;

typedef struct
    void *cvr;
    void *result;
} BarcodeReader;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
    // Create dbr9.x-like API for dbr10.x
    C_API int DBR_InitLicense(const char *pLicense, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen);
    C_API int DBR_DecodeFile(void *barcodeReader, const char *pFileName, const char *pTemplateName);
    C_API void *DBR_CreateInstance();
    C_API void DBR_DestroyInstance(void *barcodeReader);
    C_API const char *DBR_GetVersion();
    C_API int DBR_GetAllTextResults(void *barcodeReader, TextResultArray **pResults);
    C_API void DBR_FreeTextResults(TextResultArray **pResults);
    C_API int DBR_InitRuntimeSettingsWithString(void *barcodeReader, const char *content, const ConflictMode conflictMode, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen);
    C_API int DBR_InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile(void *barcodeReader, const char *pFilePath, const ConflictMode conflictMode, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen);

    // The interop functions for Go
    C_API TextResult *getTextResultPointer(TextResultArray *resultArray, int offset);
    C_API LocalizationResult *getLocalizationPointer(TextResult *result);
    C_API const char *getText(TextResult *result);
    C_API const char *getFormatString(TextResult *result);
#ifdef __cplusplus


To ensure these C functions are properly exported on both Windows and Linux, we employ __declspec(dllexport) and __attribute__((visibility("default"))), respectively for Windows and Linux.

At the start of bridge.cpp, we include necessary C++ headers and declare the use of relevant namespaces:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include "bridge.h"
#include "DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace dynamsoft::license;
using namespace dynamsoft::cvr;
using namespace dynamsoft::dbr;

Following this setup, we proceed to implement the declared C functions.

  • DBR_InitLicense: In v10.x, the license is initialized by calling CLicenseManager::InitLicense. This initialization is not only used for the barcode reader but also for other products like the Dynamsoft Label Recognizer and Dynamsoft Document Normalizer.

      C_API int DBR_InitLicense(const char *pLicense, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
          int ret = CLicenseManager::InitLicense(pLicense, errorMsgBuffer, 512);
          if (ret != 0)
              cout << "Error: " << errorMsgBuffer << endl;
          return ret;
  • DBR_CreateInstance: This function creates an instance of BarcodeReader, which includes pointers to the CCaptureVisionRouter class and CCapturedResult class. Since classes are not supported in C, we use void * to represent these pointers and cast them to the actual class pointers when necessary.

      C_API void *DBR_CreateInstance()
          BarcodeReader *barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader;
          CCaptureVisionRouter *cvr = new CCaptureVisionRouter;
          barcodeReader->cvr = cvr;
          barcodeReader->result = NULL;
          return (void *)barcodeReader;
  • DBR_DestroyInstance: Releases the memory allocated for the BarcodeReader instance.

      C_API void DBR_DestroyInstance(void *barcodeReader)
          if (barcodeReader != NULL)
              BarcodeReader *reader = (BarcodeReader *)barcodeReader;
              if (reader->cvr != NULL)
                  delete (CCaptureVisionRouter *)reader->cvr;
                  reader->cvr = NULL;
              if (reader->result != NULL)
                  ((CCapturedResult *)reader->result)->Release();
                  reader->result = NULL;
              delete reader;
              barcodeReader = NULL;
  • DBR_DecodeFile: Decode barcodes from an image file. The results are stored in BarcodeReader->result. In v10.x, the barcode decoding function has been replaced by CCaptureVisionRouter::Capture. Depending on your template configuration, the results could vary, including data types such as text, barcode, or quadrilateral.

      C_API int DBR_DecodeFile(void *barcodeReader, const char *pFileName, const char *pTemplateName)
          BarcodeReader *reader = (BarcodeReader *)barcodeReader;
          if (!reader || !reader->cvr)
              return -1;
          CCapturedResult *result = ((CCaptureVisionRouter *)reader->cvr)->Capture(pFileName);
          int errorCode = result->GetErrorCode();
          if (result->GetErrorCode() != 0)
              cout << "Error: " << result->GetErrorCode() << "," << result->GetErrorString() << endl;
          reader->result = result;
          return errorCode;
  • DBR_GetVersion: Retrieves the version number of the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK.

      C_API const char *DBR_GetVersion()
          return CBarcodeReaderModule::GetVersion();
  • DBR_GetAllTextResults: Extracts barcode text, format, and coordinates from the results. The CapturedResultItemType::CRIT_BARCODE enum is used to filter for the barcode data type.

      C_API int DBR_GetAllTextResults(void *barcodeReader, TextResultArray **pResults)
          BarcodeReader *reader = (BarcodeReader *)barcodeReader;
          if (!reader || !reader->cvr || !reader->result)
              return -1;
          CCapturedResult *result = (CCapturedResult *)reader->result;
          int capturedResultItemCount = result->GetItemsCount();
          if (capturedResultItemCount == 0)
              return -1;
          TextResultArray *textResults = (TextResultArray *)calloc(1, sizeof(TextResultArray));
          textResults->resultsCount = capturedResultItemCount;
          textResults->results = (TextResult *)calloc(capturedResultItemCount, sizeof(TextResult));
          *pResults = textResults;
          for (int j = 0; j < capturedResultItemCount; j++)
              const CCapturedResultItem *capturedResultItem = result->GetItem(j);
              CapturedResultItemType type = capturedResultItem->GetType();
              if (type == CapturedResultItemType::CRIT_BARCODE)
                  const CBarcodeResultItem *barcodeResultItem = dynamic_cast<const CBarcodeResultItem *>(capturedResultItem);
                  char *barcodeFormatString = (char *)barcodeResultItem->GetFormatString();
                  char *barcodeText = (char *)barcodeResultItem->GetText();
                  textResults->results[j].barcodeFormatString = (char *)malloc(strlen(barcodeFormatString) + 1);
                  strcpy(textResults->results[j].barcodeFormatString, barcodeFormatString);
                  textResults->results[j].barcodeText = (char *)malloc(strlen(barcodeText) + 1);
                  strcpy(textResults->results[j].barcodeText, barcodeText);
                  CPoint *points = barcodeResultItem->GetLocation().points;
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult = (LocalizationResult *)malloc(sizeof(LocalizationResult));
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult->x1 = points[0][0];
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult->y1 = points[0][1];
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult->x2 = points[1][0];
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult->y2 = points[1][1];
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult->x3 = points[2][0];
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult->y3 = points[2][1];
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult->x4 = points[3][0];
                  textResults->results[j].localizationResult->y4 = points[3][1];
          reader->result = NULL;
          return 0;
  • DBR_FreeTextResults: Releases the memory allocated for the TextResultArray.

      C_API void DBR_FreeTextResults(TextResultArray **pResults)
          if (pResults)
              if (*pResults)
                  if ((*pResults)->results)
                      for (int i = 0; i < (*pResults)->resultsCount; i++)
                          if ((*pResults)->results[i].barcodeFormatString)
                          if ((*pResults)->results[i].barcodeText)
                          if ((*pResults)->results[i].localizationResult)
  • DBR_InitRuntimeSettingsWithString: Initializes runtime settings with a JSON string.

      C_API int DBR_InitRuntimeSettingsWithString(void *barcodeReader, const char *content, const ConflictMode conflictMode, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
          BarcodeReader *reader = (BarcodeReader *)barcodeReader;
          if (!reader || !reader->cvr)
              return -1;
          int ret = ((CCaptureVisionRouter *)reader->cvr)->InitSettings(content, errorMsgBuffer, errorMsgBufferLen);
          if (ret != 0)
              cout << "Error: " << errorMsgBuffer << endl;
          return ret;

    The template parameters and structure have been changed in v10.x. Below is a simple example:

        "CaptureVisionTemplates": [
            "Name": "cv0",
            "ImageROIProcessingNameArray": [
            "Timeout": 10000
        "TargetROIDefOptions": [
            "Name": "roi-read-barcodes",
            "TaskSettingNameArray": [
        "BarcodeReaderTaskSettingOptions": [
            "Name": "task-read-barcodes",
            "ExpectedBarcodesCount": 0,
            "BarcodeFormatIds": [ "BF_DATAMATRIX" ]

    Note: The DBR-PresetTemplates.json file, along with the shared libraries, will be loaded by default. If you invoke the DBR_InitRuntimeSettingsWithString function, the settings specified in the JSON string will overwrite the default settings.

After completing the bridge.cpp implementation, we can compile the C wrapper into shared libraries for Windows and Linux using the commands provided below:

  • Windows:

      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake --build . --config Release
  • Linux:

      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..
      cmake --build . --config Release

Step 3: Integrating the C Wrapper into the Existing Go Module

To incorporate the C wrapper into our Go module, we’ll need to adjust the reader.go file to link against the C wrapper’s shared library. This involves the following modifications:

import (
	   #cgo CXXFLAGS: -std=c++11
	   #cgo CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/lib -I${SRCDIR}/lib/bridge
	   #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/lib/linux -lbridge  -Wl,-rpath=\$$ORIGIN
	   #cgo windows LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/lib/windows -lbridge
	   #include <stdlib.h>
	   #include "bridge.h"

Additionally, it’s necessary to update the test code with a new template string and your personal license key within the goBarcodeQrSDK_test.go file:

var jsonString = `{
	"CaptureVisionTemplates": [
		"Name": "cv0",
		"ImageROIProcessingNameArray": [
		"Timeout": 10000
	"TargetROIDefOptions": [
		"Name": "roi-read-barcodes",
		"TaskSettingNameArray": [
	"BarcodeReaderTaskSettingOptions": [
		"Name": "task-read-barcodes",
		"ExpectedBarcodesCount": 0,
		"BarcodeFormatIds": [ "BF_DEFAULT" ]

ret, _ := InitLicense("LICENSE-KEY")
ret, _ := obj.SetParameters(jsonString)

Finally, we can compile and execute the Go module as follows:

  • Windows:

  • Linux:


Source Code


The wrappers and sample code on Dynamsoft Codepool are community editions, shared as-is and not fully tested. Dynamsoft is happy to provide technical support for users exploring these solutions but makes no guarantees.