Category: .NET TWAIN
In .NET MAUI development, both BlazorWebView and WebView are used to display web content, but they serve different purposes and are designed for different scenarios. The BlazorWebView is specifically designed to host Blazor components in a .NET MAUI application, allowing you to reuse Blazor components and share code between web...
Last week, we developed a desktop document scanner application using .NET MAUI and the Dynamic Web TWAIN REST API. We encountered an issue where the app’s UI, constructed with MAUI controls, behaved inconsistently on Windows and macOS. For instance, the Picker control functioned well on Windows but not on macOS....
Dynamsoft used to offer both the .NET TWAIN SDK and the Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK. However, the .NET TWAIN SDK is no longer maintained, and the focus has shifted to the web-based Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK. Despite this shift, you can still build a desktop document scanner application in .NET...