Tag: cmake
A few days ago, I published a blog post how to implement a desktop barcode reader application using Qt and C++. That application was limited to scanning barcodes from still images. In this article, I’ll take it a step further by adding webcam support, enabling real-time barcode scanning for a...
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader provides a robust C++ SDK for barcode detection across Windows, Linux, and macOS. In this tutorial, we will walk you through building a desktop barcode reader application with a graphical user interface (GUI) using Qt and C++. By combining the cross-platform capabilities of the Qt C++ SDK...
Three years ago, I created a CMake project, aiming to build a C/C++ project with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Today, as the world’s top barcode SDK, Dynamsoft Barcode Reader has extended to more operating systems and CPU architectures: ARM32 Linux: Raspberry Pi ARM64 Linux: Jetson Nano...
While scanning single or multiple barcodes with a barcode SDK, most of the developers only concern about the trade-off between decoding speed and recognition accuracy, for they cannot get other data. Since from version 8.0, Dynamsoft exposes more parameters and intermediate results (E.g., grayscale image, binary image, barcode localization results,...
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader is an enterprise-class barcode SDK implemented in C/C++. Although the SDK is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, there is only one Windows sample showing how to invoke the latest video APIs in version 7.x. To make developers experience the example in Linux or other platforms, I...
This article is not about creating Java native methods to invoke C/C++ APIs. Instead, it aims to help developers build a JAR package containing a JNI shared library, made with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader, for Windows, Linux, and macOS from scratch. In this article, I will demonstrate how to create JNI...
Last week, I shared how to create a CMake project for Windows. Since CMake is a cross-platform software building tool, I am going to make my C/C++ project support Linux and macOS. This article is Part 2 in a 16-Part Series. Part 1 - Building a C/C++ Barcode & QR Code...
If you have a program designed for multiple platforms, you definitely don’t want to waste time configuring and maintaining the building environment. I was thinking how to compile my C/C++ code for Windows, Linux and macOS more conveniently, and after that, I decided to learn CMake. CMake is an open-source,...
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a powerful open source library of computer vision algorithms. It is widely used by many technologies, such as image acquiring (e.g. Webcam capture), image processing (e.g. noise reduction), image detection (e.g. face detection), image recognition (e.g. OCR), and so on. Since all OpenCV...