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Enumeration PDFReadingMode

PDFReadingMode describes the PDF reading modes.

  • JavaScript
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  • Objective-C
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  • Python
enum EnumPDFReadingMode
   /** Outputs vector data found in the PDFs.*/
   /** The default value.
    * Outputs raster data found in the PDFs.
    * Depending on the argument Resolution, 
    * the SDK may rasterize the PDF pages.
    * Check the template for available argument settings.*/
   /** Reserved setting for PDF reading mode.*/
   PDFRM_REV = -2147483648
public @interface EnumPDFReadingMode
   /** Capture content from vector data in PDF file. */
   public static final int PDFRM_VECTOR = 1;
   /** The default value.
    * Outputs raster data found in the PDFs.
    * Depending on the argument Resolution, the SDK may rasterize the PDF pages.
    * Check the template for available argument settings. */
   public static final int PDFRM_RASTER = 2;
   /** Reserved setting for PDF reading mode.*/
   public static final int PDFRM_REV = -2147483648;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, DSPDFReadingMode)
   /** Capture content from vector data in PDF file. */
   DSPDFReadingModeVector = 0x01,
   /** The default value.
    * Outputs raster data found in the PDFs.
    * Depending on the argument Resolution, the SDK may rasterize the PDF pages.
    * Check the template for available argument settings. */
   DSPDFReadingModeRaster = 0x02,
   /** Reserved setting for PDF reading mode.*/
   DSPDFReadingModeRev = -2147483648
public enum PDFReadingMode : Int
   /** Capture content from vector data in PDF file. */
   vector = 0x01,
   /** The default value.
    * Outputs raster data found in the PDFs.
    * Depending on the argument Resolution, the SDK may rasterize the PDF pages.
    * Check the template for available argument settings. */
   raster = 0x02,
   /** Reserved setting for PDF reading mode.*/
   rev = -2147483648
typedef enum PDFReadingMode
   /** Outputs vector data found in the PDFs. */
   PDFRM_VECTOR = 0x01,
   /** The default value.
    * Outputs raster data found in the PDFs.
    * Depending on the argument Resolution, the SDK may rasterize the PDF pages.
    * Check the template for available argument settings. */
   PDFRM_RASTER = 0x02,
   /** Reserved setting for PDF reading mode.*/
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
   PDFRM_REV = 0x80000000,
   PDFRM_REV = -2147483648,
} PDFReadingMode;
public enum EnumPDFReadingMode
    PDFRM_VECTOR = 0x01,
    PDFRM_RASTER = 0x02,
    PDFRM_REV = -2147483648,
class EnumPDFReadingMode(IntEnum):
    PDFRM_VECTOR = 0x01
    PDFRM_RASTER = 0x02
    PDFRM_REV = -2147483648

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