Enumeration TargetType
describes the target types.
- JavaScript
- Android
- Objective-C
- Swift
- C++
enum EnumTargetType { /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode PDFRM_RASTER.*/ TT_PAGE = 0, /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/ TT_IMAGE = 1 }
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) public @interface EnumTargetType { /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode raster.*/ public static final int TT_PAGE = 0; /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/ public static final int TT_IMAGE = 1; }
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, DSTargetType) { /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode raster.*/ DSTargetTypePage = 0, /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/ DSTargetTypeImage = 1 };
public enum TargetType : Int { /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode raster.*/ page = 0, /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/ image = 1 }
typedef enum TargetType { /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode PDFRM_RASTER.*/ TT_PAGE, /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/ TT_IMAGE } TargetType;