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DCVBarcodeReader Class

A barcode reader object accesses to a camera via DCVCameraView object at native level, then perform continuous barcode scanning on the incoming frames.

Methods Description
initLicense Initialize the license of Dynamsoft Capture Vision.
setDeviceFriendlyName Set a human-readable name for your mobile device.
createInstance Create a barcode reader instance.
getVersion Get the version of DCVBarcodeReader, which is packaged in Dynamsoft Capture Vision.
getRuntimeSettings Get the current runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader.
updateRuntimeSettings Update the runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader with a DBRRuntimeSettings struct or a template.
resetRuntimeSettings Reset the runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader to default.
outputRuntimeSettingsToString Output the runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader to string.
startScanning Start the barcode decoding thread.
stopScanning Stop the barcode decoding thread.
receiveResultStream Receive the stream to listen all the barcode results after the library finishes scanning a frame.
decodeFile Decode barcodes from an image file.
enableResultVerification Enable result cross verification. The output result will be double-checked to make sure the accuracy.
setModeArgument Mode arguments are the optional settings of mode parameters in DBRRuntimeSettings. You can use setModeArgument to configure these arguments.
getModeArgument Get the value of the specified mode argument.
enableEnhancedFeatures Enable the specified enhanced feature(s).
disableEnhancedFeatures Disable the specified enhanced feature(s).
setZoomFactor Set the zoom factor.
setAutoZoomRange Set the auto zoom range.
getAutoZoomRange Get the auto zoom range.
getMaxZoomFactor Get the max zoom factor.


Initialize the license of Dynamsoft Capture Vision.

static Future<bool> initLicense(String license)


license: A license key.

Code Snippet

try {
    await DCVBarcodeReader.initLicense('Put-Your-License-Here');
} catch (e) {
    print('license error = $e');


Set a human-readable name for your mobile device.

Future setDeviceFriendlyName(String deviceFriendlyName)


Create a barcode reader instance.

static Future<DCVBarcodeReader> createInstance() async

Return Value

A barcode reader instance.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();


Get the version of DCVBarcodeReader, which is packaged in Dynamsoft Capture Vision.

Future<String?> getVersion()

Return Value

The Version of DCVBarcodeReader.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
String dbrVersion = await _barcodeReader.getVersion();


Get the current runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader.

Future<DBRRuntimeSettings> getRuntimeSettings()

Return Value

An object of DBRRuntimeSettings that stores the runtime settings.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
try {
  DBRRuntimeSettings currentSettings = await _barcodeReader.getRuntimeSettings();
} catch (e) {
  print('error = $e');


Update the barcode decoding settings with a DBRRuntimeSettings struct.

Future<void> updateRuntimeSettings(DBRRuntimeSettings settings)


Settings: An object that stores barcode reader runtime settings.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
try {
  DBRRuntimeSettings settings = await _barcodeReader.getRuntimeSettings();
  // Configure your barcode settings.
  await _barcodeReader.updateRuntimeSettings(settings);
} catch (e) {
  print('error = $e');


Update the barcode decoding settings with a preset template.

Future<void> updateRuntimeSettingsFromTemplate(EnumDBRPresetTemplate template) 


template: An enumeration member of EnumDBRPresetTemplate.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
await _barcodeReader.updateRuntimeSettingsFromTemplate(EnumDBRPresetTemplate.DEFAULT);


Update the barcode decoding settings with a JSON template.

Future<void> updateRuntimeSettingsFromJson(String jsonString)


jsonString: An JSON string that includes barcode reader settings.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
try {
  await _barcodeReader.updateRuntimeSettingsFromJson("{\"ImageParameter\":{\"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_ALL\"],\"BarcodeFormatIds_2\":null,\"DeblurLevel\":0,\"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":0,\"LocalizationModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"LM_SCAN_DIRECTLY\",\"ScanDirection\":1},{\"Mode\":\"LM_CONNECTED_BLOCKS\"}],\"Name\":\"video-speed-first\",\"ScaleDownThreshold\":2300,\"Timeout\":500},\"Version\":\"3.0\"}");
} catch (e) {
  print('error = $e');


Reset the barcode decoding settings.

Future<void> resetRuntimeSettings()

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
try {
  await _barcodeReader.resetRuntimeSettings();
} catch (e) {
  print('error = $e');


Output the barcode decoding settings to string.

Future<String?> outputRuntimeSettingsToString()

Return Value

A string that stores the barcode decoding settings. The barcode settings string can be applied to debug barcode decoding settings.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
try {
  String settingString = await _barcodeReader.outputRuntimeSettingsToString();
} catch (e) {
  print('error = $e');


Start the barcode decoding thread.

Future<void> startScanning()

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
await _barcodeReader.startScanning();


Stop the barcode decoding thread.

Future<void> stopScanning()

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
await _barcodeReader.stopScanning();


Receive the stream to listen all the barcode results after the library finishes scanning a frame.

Stream<List<BarcodeResult>> receiveResultStream()

Return Value

Stream that stores a list of BarcodeResult

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
_barcodeReader.receiveResultStream().listen((List<BarcodeResult> res) {});


Decode barcodes from an image file.

Future<List<BarcodeResult>> decodeFile(String path)


path: The Path of the image file.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();
final result = await _barcodeReader.decodeFile("Your file path");


Enable result cross verification. The output result will be double-checked to make sure the accuracy.

Future enableResultVerification(bool isEnable)


isEnable: Set the bool value to true to enable the result cross verification.

Code Snippet

late final DCVBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
_barcodeReader = await DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance();


Added in version 1.2.0.

Mode arguments are the optional settings of mode parameters in DBRRuntimeSettings. You can use setModeArgument to configure these arguments.

Future setModeArgument(String modesName, int index, String argumentName, String argumentValue)


modesName: The name of the mode parameter that you want to make changes. index: The array index of mode parameter. argumentName: The name of the mode argument to set. argumentValue: The value of the mode argument to set.

Code Snippet

Suppose that you specified [BM_LOCAL_BLOCK, BM_THRESHOLD] for mode parameter binarizationModes and you want to set the value of mode argument BlockSizeX of mode BM_LOCAL_BLOCK to 50. The following code snippet is how you can make the settings:

/// Configure the mode parameters first.
DBRRuntimeSettings currentSettings = await _barcodeReader.getRuntimeSettings();
currentSettings.binarizationModes = [EnumBinarizationMode.BM_LOCAL_BLOCK, EnumBinarizationMode.BM_THRESHOLD];
await _barcodeReader.updateRuntimeSettings(currentSettings);
/// Set mode argument
await _barcodeReader.setModeArgument("binarizationModes",0,"BlockSizeX","50");


Added in version 1.2.0.

Get the current setting of the specified mode argument.

Future getModeArgument(String modesName, int index, String argumentName)


modesName: The name of the mode parameter that you want to make changes. index: The array index of mode parameter. argumentName: The name of the mode argument to set.

Code Snippet

String blockSizeX = await _barcodeReader.getModeArgument("binarizationModes",0,"BlockSizeX");


Added in version 1.3.0.

Enable the specified enhanced feature(s).

Available features:

Feature Description Enumeration Member
Frame Filter Filter out low quality frames by sharpness evaluation. EF_FRAME_FILTER
Sensor Control Filter out all frames produced when the device is shaking (sensor is required). EF_SENSOR_CONTROL
Enhanced focus Additional focus control mechanism that helps device to focus. EF_ENHANCED_FOCUS
Auto Zoom Enable the camera to auto zoom-in to close up to the barcode. EF_AUTO_ZOOM
Smart torch Display the torch button only when the environment light is too dark. EF_SMART_TORCH
Future<void> enableEnhancedFeatures (EnumEnhancedFeatures features)


features: Specify the enhanced feature(s) to enable. You can use a combined value of EnumEnhancedFeatures to specify multiple features.


Added in version 1.3.0.

Disable the specified enhanced feature(s).

Future<void> disableEnhancedFeatures (EnumEnhancedFeatures features)


features: Specify the enhanced feature(s) to enable. You can use a combined value of EnumEnhancedFeatures to specify multiple features.


Added in version 1.3.0.

Set the zoom factor.

Future<void> setZoomFactor(double factor)


factor: The zoom factor.


Added in version 1.3.0.

Set the auto zoom range.

Future<void> setAutoZoomRange (RangeValue zoomFactor)


zoomFactor: The auto zoom range.


Added in version 1.3.0.

Get the auto zoom range.

Future<RangeValue> getAutoZoomRange ()



Added in version 1.3.0.

Get the max zoom factor.

Future<double> getMaxZoomFactor ()

This page is compatible for:

Version 1.0

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In this article:

latest version

    • Latest version
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.0.21
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.0.21
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
    • Version 1.x
      • Version 1.2.1
      • Version 1.2.0
      • Version 1.1.0
      • Version 1.0.0
      • Version 1.0.4
      • Version 1.0.3
      • Version 1.0.2
      • Version 1.0.1
      • Version 1.0.0
      • Version 1.1.13
      • Version 1.1.12
      • Version 1.1.11
      • Version 1.1.9
      • Version 1.1.8
      • Version 1.1.7
      • Version 1.1.6
      • Version 1.1.5
      • Version 1.1.4
      • Version 1.1.3
      • Version 1.1.2
      • Version 1.1.1
      • Version 1.1.0
      • Version 1.0.0
      • Version 1.0.4
      • Version 1.0.3
      • Version 1.0.2
      • Version 1.0.1
      • Version 1.0.0
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