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Release Notes - DynamsoftBarcodeReader Module

10.2.10 (04/11/2024)

  • Update interfaces CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit and CandidateBarcodeZone to store the information of a single candidate barcode zone.
  • Update interface LocalizedBarcodesUnit and DeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnit to store the deformation-resisted barcode information.

10.0.21 (02/05/2024)

Introduced dbr.bundle.js to include packages that are required on running Dynamsoft Barcode Reader to reduce the complexity of the code.

10.0.20 (01/29/2024)

The first version of DynamsoftBarcodeReader (DBR) JavaScript edition that integrate with DynamsoftCaptureVision (DCV) architecture.

DBR algorithm based on v10.0.20, seeDBR C++ v10.0.20 for more details.

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