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Release Notes - DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer Module

2.2.10 (04/11/2024)


  • Added SimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings to configure basic settings of document processing.
  • Added a new enumeration ImageColourMode to specify the colour mode of the normalized image.


  • Changed the property name from quadsResultItems to detectedQuadResultItems in interface DetectedQuadsResult.

2.0.21 (01/19/2024)


  • Fixed a type error bug encountered when utilizing CapturedResultReceiver or CapturedResultFilter in a TypeScript environment.

2.0.20 (01/11/2024)


2.0.11 (08/24/2023)

The first version of DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer (DDN) JavaScript edition that integrate with DynamsoftCaptureVision (DCV) architecture.

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