How to Detect and Rectify Documents in Angular Web Applications

The Dynamsoft Document Normalizer JavaScript SDK offers advanced features for document detection and rectification. Similar to the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader, it has undergone a redesign with a new architecture and API from version 1.x to 2.x. In this article, we will integrate document detection and rectification capabilities into the Angular project created in the previous tutorial.

Angular Document Scanner


Step 1: Install Dynamsoft Document Normalizer

  1. Install the SDK: Download and install Dynamsoft Document Normalizer v2.2.10 using npm.

     npm i dynamsoft-document-normalizer@2.2.10
  2. Configure Asset Path: Update angular.json to include the asset path for Dynamsoft Document Normalizer.

     "assets": [
         "glob": "**/*",
         "input": "./node_modules/dynamsoft-document-normalizer/dist",
         "output": "assets/dynamsoft-document-normalizer"
  3. Update Resource Paths: Add the SDK resource path to CoreModule.engineResourcePaths in the product-list.component.ts file.

     CoreModule.engineResourcePaths = {
       std: 'assets/dynamsoft-capture-vision-std/',
       dip: 'assets/dynamsoft-image-processing/',
       core: 'assets/dynamsoft-core/',
       license: 'assets/dynamsoft-license/',
       cvr: 'assets/dynamsoft-capture-vision-router/',
       dbr: 'assets/dynamsoft-barcode-reader/',
       dce: 'assets/dynamsoft-camera-enhancer/',
       ddn: 'assets/dynamsoft-document-normalizer/',
  4. Preload WASM Files: Preload the WebAssembly (WASM) files to speed up the initialization process.

     await CoreModule.loadWasm(['DBR', 'DDN']);

Step 2: Create New Angular Components for Document Detection and Rectification

  1. Generate Components: Use the Angular CLI to create two new components for document detection and rectification.

     ng generate component file-detection
     ng generate component camera-detection
  2. Configure Routing: Add the new components to the app-routing.module.ts file.

     import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
     import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
     import { ProductListComponent } from './product-list/product-list.component';
     import { BarcodeReaderComponent } from './barcode-reader/barcode-reader.component';
     import { BarcodeScannerComponent } from './barcode-scanner/barcode-scanner.component';
     import { FileDetectionComponent } from './file-detection/file-detection.component';
     import { CameraDetectionComponent } from './camera-detection/camera-detection.component';
     const routes: Routes = [
       { path: '', component: ProductListComponent },
       { path: 'barcode-reader', component: BarcodeReaderComponent },
       { path: 'barcode-scanner', component: BarcodeScannerComponent },
       { path: 'file-detection', component: FileDetectionComponent },
       { path: 'camera-detection', component: CameraDetectionComponent },
       imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
       exports: [RouterModule]
     export class AppRoutingModule { }
  3. Update Product List Template: Modify the product-list.component.html file to include links to the new components.

         <ng-template [ngIf]=" === 'reader'">
           <a [title]=" + ' details'" [routerLink]="['/barcode-reader']">>
         <ng-template [ngIf]=" === 'scanner'">
           <a [title]=" + ' details'" [routerLink]="['/barcode-scanner']">>
         <ng-template [ngIf]=" === 'file-detection'">
           <a [title]=" + ' details'" [routerLink]="['/file-detection']">>
         <ng-template [ngIf]=" === 'camera-detection'">
           <a [title]=" + ' details'" [routerLink]="['/camera-detection']">>

Step 3: Detect and Rectify Documents from Image Files

Basic Steps

  1. Upload an image file.
  2. Detect the document edges with Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK.
  3. Adjust the four corners of the document.
  4. Rectify the document.

UI Design

Add the following HTML code to the file-detection.component.html file:

<div class="row">

    <label for="binary"> <input type="radio" name="templates" value="binary" (change)="onRadioChange($event)" />Black &
        White </label>

    <label for="grayscale"><input type="radio" name="templates" value="grayscale" (change)="onRadioChange($event)" />
        Grayscale </label>

    <label for="color"><input type="radio" name="templates" value="color" [checked]="true"
            (change)="onRadioChange($event)" /> Color </label>

<input type="file" title="file" id="file" accept="image/*" (change)="onChange($event)" />
<button (click)="rectify()">Rectify</button>
<button (click)="save()">Save</button>
<div class="container">
    <div id="imageview">
        <img id="image" alt="" />
        <canvas id="overlay" class="overlay"></canvas>

    <div id="resultview" class="imageview">
        <img id="normalizedImage" alt="" />



  • The radio group is used to select the color mode.
  • The <input type="file"/> element loads an image file from the local file system.
  • The Rectify button rectifies the document.
  • The Save button saves the rectified document.
  • The img element displays the original image.
  • The canvas element draws the detected document edges and allows users to adjust the corners.

Component Implementation

Load and Detect the Image File

Call the capture method with the DetectDocumentBoundaries_Default template to detect the document edges. Cast the CapturedResult to DetectedQuadResultItem and get the detected points.

onChange(event: Event) {
  const element = event.currentTarget as HTMLInputElement;
  let fileList: FileList | null = element.files;
  if (fileList) {
    let file = fileList.item(0) as any;
    if (file) {
      this.currentFile = file;
      let fr = new FileReader();
      fr.onload = (event: any) => {
        let image = document.getElementById('image') as HTMLImageElement;
        if (image) {
          image.src =;
          const img = new Image();

          img.onload = async (event: any) => {
            this.overlayManager.updateOverlay(img.width, img.height);
            if (this.cvr) {
              let capturedResult: CapturedResult = await this.cvr.capture(file, 'DetectDocumentBoundaries_Default');
              if (capturedResult.items.length > 0) {
                let result = capturedResult.items[0] as DetectedQuadResultItem;
                this.points = result.location.points;
          img.src =;

Rectify the Document

Call the capture method with the detected points and the NormalizeDocument_Default template to rectify the document. Cast the CapturedResult to NormalizedImageResultItem and then call the toImage method to get the rectified image.

async normalize(file: File, points: any) {
  if (this.cvr) {
    let settings: SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings = await this.cvr.getSimplifiedSettings('NormalizeDocument_Default');
    settings.roi.points = points;
    settings.roiMeasuredInPercentage = false;
    await this.cvr!.updateSettings('NormalizeDocument_Default', settings);

    this.cvr.capture(file, 'NormalizeDocument_Default').then((normalizedImagesResult: CapturedResult) => {
      if (normalizedImagesResult.items.length === 0) { return; }
      let result = normalizedImagesResult.items[0] as NormalizedImageResultItem;
      let image = document.getElementById('normalizedImage') as HTMLImageElement;
      image.src = result.toImage("image/jpeg").src;

async rectify() {
  await this.normalize(this.currentFile!, this.points);

Track Mouse Events to Adjust Document Corners

In the overlay.ts file, set the detected points and dynamically update the points based on mouse events.

setPoints(points: Point[]): void {
    this.globalPoints = points;
    this.overlay!.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => this.updatePoint(event, this.context!, this.overlay!));
    this.overlay!.addEventListener("touchstart", (event) => this.updatePoint(event, this.context!, this.overlay!));
    this.drawQuad(this.context!, this.overlay!);

updatePoint(e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void {
    if (!this.globalPoints) {
    let globalPoints = this.globalPoints;
    function getCoordinates(e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): Point {
        let rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();

        let scaleX = canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width;
        let scaleY = canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height;

        let mouseX = (e instanceof MouseEvent ? e.clientX : e.touches[0].clientX);
        let mouseY = (e instanceof MouseEvent ? e.clientY : e.touches[0].clientY);
        if (scaleX < scaleY) {
            mouseX = mouseX - rect.left;
            mouseY = mouseY - - (canvas.clientHeight - canvas.height * scaleX) / 2;

            mouseX = mouseX / scaleX;
            mouseY = mouseY / scaleX;
        else {
            mouseX = mouseX - rect.left - (canvas.clientWidth - canvas.width * scaleY) / 2;
            mouseY = mouseY -;

            mouseX = mouseX / scaleY;
            mouseY = mouseY / scaleY;

        return { x: Math.round(mouseX), y: Math.round(mouseY) };

    let delta = 10;
    let coordinates = getCoordinates(e);
    let ref = this;
    for (let i = 0; i < globalPoints.length; i++) {
        if (Math.abs(globalPoints[i].x - coordinates.x) < delta && Math.abs(globalPoints[i].y - coordinates.y) < delta) {
            canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", dragPoint);
            canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", releasePoint);
            canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", dragPoint);
            canvas.addEventListener("touchend", releasePoint);

            function dragPoint(e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) {
                coordinates = getCoordinates(e);
                globalPoints[i].x = coordinates.x;
                globalPoints[i].y = coordinates.y;
                ref.drawQuad(context, canvas);

            function releasePoint() {
                canvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", dragPoint);
                canvas.removeEventListener("mouseup", releasePoint);
                canvas.removeEventListener("touchmove", dragPoint);
                canvas.removeEventListener("touchend", releasePoint);


drawQuad(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void {
    let globalPoints = this.globalPoints;
    if (!globalPoints || globalPoints.length < 4) {

    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    context.strokeStyle = "#00ff00";
    context.lineWidth = 2;
    for (let i = 0; i < globalPoints.length; i++) {
        context.arc(globalPoints[i].x, globalPoints[i].y, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    context.moveTo(globalPoints[0].x, globalPoints[0].y);
    context.lineTo(globalPoints[1].x, globalPoints[1].y);
    context.lineTo(globalPoints[2].x, globalPoints[2].y);
    context.lineTo(globalPoints[3].x, globalPoints[3].y);
    context.lineTo(globalPoints[0].x, globalPoints[0].y);

Save the Rectified Document

Get the rectified image and save it to the local file system.

async save() {
  let image = document.getElementById('normalizedImage') as HTMLImageElement;

  let imageUrl = image.src;

  const a = document.createElement('a');
  a.href = imageUrl; = + '';

Angular Document Edge Detection from image file

Step 4: Detect and Rectify Documents from Camera Stream

Basic Steps

  1. Register an event listener to CaptureVisionRouter to receive the detected document edges.
  2. Bind a CameraEnhancer instance to the CaptureVisionRouter instance.
  3. Start the camera stream and document detection.
  4. Click a button to rectify the document based on the detected edges.

UI Design

Add the following HTML code to the camera-detection.component.html file:

<div id="document-scanner">
    <span id="loading-status" style="font-size:x-large" [hidden]="isLoaded">Loading Library...</span>
    <br />
    <div class="row">

        <label for="binary"> <input type="radio" name="templates" value="binary"
                (change)="onRadioChange($event)" />Black &
            White </label>

        <label for="grayscale"><input type="radio" name="templates" value="grayscale"
                (change)="onRadioChange($event)" />
            Grayscale </label>

        <label for="color"><input type="radio" name="templates" value="color" [checked]="true"
                (change)="onRadioChange($event)" /> Color </label>

        <label for="videoSource">Video Source:
            <select id="videoSource" (change)="openCamera()"></select></label>
        <button id="detectButton" (click)="toggleDetection()">Start Detection</button>
        <button id="captureButton" (click)="captureDocument()">Capture Document</button>

    <div id="videoview">
        <div class="dce-video-container" id="videoContainer"></div>
        <canvas id="overlay"></canvas>

    <div class="container">
        <div id="resultview">
            <canvas id="normalizedImage"></canvas>


  • The radio group is used to select the color mode.
  • The <select> element lists the available video sources.
  • The Start Detection button starts the document detection.
  • The Capture Document button captures the document.
  • The overlay canvas draws the detected document edges in real-time.
  • The normalizedImage canvas displays the rectified document.

Component Implementation

Initialize CaptureVisionRouter

Register a callback function to receive the detected document edges and bind a camera view to the CaptureVisionRouter instance.

ngOnInit(): void {
  this.videoSelect = document.querySelector('select#videoSource') as HTMLSelectElement;
  this.overlayManager.initOverlay(document.getElementById('overlay') as HTMLCanvasElement);
  (async () => {
    this.cameraView = await CameraView.createInstance();

    this.cameraEnhancer = await CameraEnhancer.createInstance(this.cameraView);

    this.isLoaded = true;
    let uiElement = document.getElementById('videoContainer');
    if (uiElement) {

      this.cameraView.getUIElement().shadowRoot?.querySelector('.dce-sel-camera')?.setAttribute('style', 'display: none');
      this.cameraView.getUIElement().shadowRoot?.querySelector('.dce-sel-resolution')?.setAttribute('style', 'display: none');

      let cameras = await this.cameraEnhancer.getAllCameras();

      this.cvr = await CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
      if (this.isDestroyed) {
        throw Error(componentDestroyedErrorMsg);

      let settings: SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings = await this.cvr.getSimplifiedSettings('DetectDocumentBoundaries_Default');
      settings.capturedResultItemTypes |= EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE;
      await this.cvr!.updateSettings('DetectDocumentBoundaries_Default', settings);

      // Define a callback for results.
        onCapturedResultReceived: (result: CapturedResult) => {

          let txts: any = [];
          try {
            let items = result.items
            if (items.length > 0) {
              for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {

                if (items[i].type === EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_DETECTED_QUAD) {
                  this.detectedResult = items[i] as DetectedQuadResultItem;
                  this.points = this.detectedResult.location.points;

                else if (items[i].type === EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE && !this.isNormalized) {
                  this.isNormalized = true;
                  let item = items[i] as OriginalImageResultItem;
                  this.currentData = item.imageData;
                  this.normalize(item.imageData, this.points);


          } catch (e) {
            throw (e);

      this.cameraEnhancer.on('played', () => {
      await this.openCamera();
      if (this.isDestroyed) {
        throw Error(componentDestroyedErrorMsg);
      if (this.isDestroyed) {
        throw Error(componentDestroyedErrorMsg);

Toggle Document Detection

Start or stop the document detection based on the button click event.

toggleDetection() {
  if (this.isDetecting) {
    this.isDetecting = false;
    let button = document.getElementById('detectButton') as HTMLButtonElement;
    button.textContent = 'Start Detection';
  } else {
    this.isDetecting = true;
    let button = document.getElementById('detectButton') as HTMLButtonElement;
    button.textContent = 'Stop Detection';

Rectify the Document

Call the capture method with the detected points and the NormalizeDocument_Default template to rectify the document.

async normalize(data: DSImageData, points: any) {
  if (this.cvr) {
    let settings: SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings = await this.cvr.getSimplifiedSettings('NormalizeDocument_Default');
    settings.roi.points = points;
    settings.roiMeasuredInPercentage = false;
    await this.cvr!.updateSettings('NormalizeDocument_Default', settings);

    this.cvr.capture(data, 'NormalizeDocument_Default').then((normalizedImagesResult: CapturedResult) => {
      if (normalizedImagesResult.items.length === 0) { return; }
      let result = normalizedImagesResult.items[0] as NormalizedImageResultItem;
      let image = document.getElementById('normalizedImage') as HTMLCanvasElement;
      image.width = result.imageData.width;
      image.height = result.imageData.height;
      const destinationContext = image.getContext('2d');
      destinationContext?.drawImage(result.toCanvas(), 0, 0);

captureDocument() {
  this.isNormalized = false;

Angular Document Edge Detection from camera stream

Source Code