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The DetectedQuadResultItem class is an extension of the DSCapturedResultItem that represents a detected quadrilateral. This is the most basic unit of a detected quadrilateral, one of the captured result types that the Capture Vision Router can output.


Assembly: DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. NS_SWIFT_NAME(DetectedQuadResultItem)
    @interface DSDetectedQuadResultItem: DSCapturedResultItem
  2. class DetectedQuadResultItem: CapturedResultItem


Attributes Type Description
location DSQuadrilateral A DSQuadrilateral object as the location of current object.
confidenceAsDocumentBoundary NSInteger TThe confidence score of the detected quadrilateral’s boundary, measuring the certainty that the detected quadrilateral represents the boundary of a document.
crossVerificationStatus DSCrossVerificationStatus The cross verification status of the result item.

The following attributes are inherited from DSCapturedResultItem.

Attributes Type Description
type DSCapturedResultItemType The type of the captured result item.
referencedItem DSCapturedResultItem * The referenced captured result item. The reference dependencies is defined in the Capture Vision settings.
targetROIDefName NSString The name of the TargetROIDef object which includes a task that generated the result.
taskName NSString The name of the task that generated the result.


A DSQuadrilateral object that represents the location of the detected quadrilateral within the image or frame.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, nullable, readonly) DSQuadrilateral *location;
  2. var location: DSQuadrilateral? { get }


The confidence score of the detected quadrilateral’s boundary, measuring the certainty that the detected quadrilateral represents the boundary of a document.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger confidenceAsDocumentBoundary;
  2. var confidenceAsDocumentBoundary: Int { get }


The cross verification status of the result. The cross verification status determines whether the result item is approved by the multi-frame cross verification mechanism. If approved, the cross verification status is CVS_PASSED. Otherwise, it is CVS_FAILED.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property (nonatomic, readonly) DSCrossVerificationStatus crossVerificationStatus;
  2. var crossVerificationStatus: CrossVerificationStatus { get }

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