Build a Label Recognition Frame Processor Plugin for React Native Vision Camera (Android)
Dynamsoft Label Recognizer (DLR) is an SDK that makes it easy to add text recognition function to our apps. We can use it to recognize text on labels, ID cards, etc. In this article, we are going to create a React Native Vision Camera frame processor plugin for DLR to recognize text from the camera in a React Native application.
This article is Part 1 in a 3-Part Series.
Other React Native Vision Camera Frame Processor Plugins
Links related to Dynamsoft Label Recognizer
Build the Label Recognition Frame Processor Plugin for React Native Vision Camera (Android)
Let’s do this in steps. We will talk about how to create the plugin for the Android platform first and then talk about how to do this for the iOS platform in a second article.
New Project
First, create a plugin project using bob.
npx create-react-native-library vision-camera-dynamsoft-label-recognizer
You can test the project using the following command:
cd example
npx react-native run-android
Implement the Plugin
Define the Wrapper Function in JavaScript
To make the Frame Processor Plugin available to the Frame Processor Worklet Runtime, create the following wrapper function in JS/TS:
import type { Frame } from 'react-native-vision-camera'
* Recognize text.
export function recognize(frame: Frame, config: ScanConfig): ScanResult {
return recognize(frame, config)
We also need to create a file named Definitions.tsx
to define relevant interfaces.
Here are the interfaces related to the recognition result which are equivalent to what are defined in the original SDK (see the API docs).
export interface ScanResult {
results: DLRResult[];
imageBase64?: string;
export interface DLRResult {
referenceRegionName: string;
textAreaName: string;
pageNumber: number;
location: Quadrilateral;
lineResults: DLRLineResult[];
export interface Quadrilateral{
export interface Point {
export interface DLRLineResult {
text: string;
confidence: number;
characterModelName: string;
characterResults: DLRCharacherResult[];
lineSpecificationName: string;
location: Quadrilateral;
export interface DLRCharacherResult {
characterH: string;
characterM: string;
characterL: string;
characterHConfidence: number;
characterMConfidence: number;
characterLConfidence: number;
location: Quadrilateral;
Here are the interfaces related to the configuration of the scanning process.
* template: JSON template to set the runtime settings of DLR
* license: specify your own license
* scanRegion: set up a scan region
* customModelConfig: load custom models in a local folder
* includeImageBase64: enable to return the bitmap in base64
export interface ScanConfig{
template?: string;
license?: string;
scanRegion?: ScanRegion;
customModelConfig?: CustomModelConfig;
includeImageBase64?: boolean;
* Set up a scan region so that the plugin will crop the image before recognizing text from it. The value is in percent.
export interface ScanRegion{
left: number;
top: number;
width: number;
height: number;
* We can load custom models from a local folder.
export interface CustomModelConfig {
customModelFolder: string;
customModelFileNames: string[];
Write the Native Code for the Plugin
Next, we are going to implement the plugin in the Android side based on the above definitions.
Create a new file named
with the following template content:import; import; public class VisionCameraDLRPlugin extends FrameProcessorPlugin { private ReactApplicationContext context; public void setContext(ReactApplicationContext reactContext){ context = reactContext; } @Override public Object callback(ImageProxy image, Object[] params) { // code goes here return null; } VisionCameraDBRPlugin() { super("recognize"); } }
Register the plugin in
:@Override public List<NativeModule> createNativeModules(@NonNull ReactApplicationContext reactContext) { List<NativeModule> modules = new ArrayList<>(); modules.add(new VisionCameraDynamsoftLabelRecognizerModule(reactContext)); + VisionCameraDLRPlugin plugin = new VisionCameraDLRPlugin(); + plugin.setContext(reactContext); + FrameProcessorPlugin.register(plugin); return modules; }
Add the following content to the
file to include Dynamsoft Label Recognizer and CameraX.rootProject.allprojects { repositories { maven { url "" } } } dependencies { implementation '' // From node_modules implementation project(path: ':react-native-vision-camera') // DLR implementation 'com.dynamsoft:dynamsoftlabelrecognizer:2.2.20@aar' }
Convert the frame to bitmap and rotate it.
OCR is sensitive to the rotation of text. The camera sensor’s default orientation of Android is landscape. We need to rotate the frame when the phone is portrait.
We can use the getBitmap method provided by Google to do this.
Here is how to use it in the plugin:
@Override public Object callback(ImageProxy image, Object[] params) { Bitmap bm = BitmapUtils.getBitmap(image); }
Create an instance of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer if the plugin is called.
Here, we create a class named
to manage the initialization and runtime settings of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer.The manager:
public class LabelRecognizerManager { private LabelRecognizer recognizer = null; private ReactApplicationContext mContext; private String mLicense; public LabelRecognizerManager(ReactApplicationContext context, String license){ mContext = context; mLicense = license; initDLR(license); } public LabelRecognizer getRecognizer(){ if (recognizer == null) { initDLR(mLicense); } return recognizer; } private void initDLR(String license) { LicenseManager.initLicense(license, mContext, new LicenseVerificationListener() { @Override public void licenseVerificationCallback(boolean isSuccess, CoreException error) { if(!isSuccess){ error.printStackTrace(); } } }); try { recognizer = new LabelRecognizer(); } catch (LabelRecognizerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Then create the instance in the plugin class.
private ReactApplicationContext context; private LabelRecognizer recognizer = null; private LabelRecognizerManager manager = null; @Override public Object callback(ImageProxy image, Object[] params) { Bitmap bm = BitmapUtils.getBitmap(image); ReadableNativeMap config = getConfig(params); if (manager == null) { String license = "LICENSE-KEY"; //default 1-day public trial. Apply for a trial license here: if (config != null && config.hasKey("license")) { license = config.getString("license"); } manager = new LabelRecognizerManager(context,license); recognizer = manager.getRecognizer(); } } private ReadableNativeMap getConfig(Object[] params){ if (params.length>0) { if (params[0] instanceof ReadableNativeMap) { ReadableNativeMap config = (ReadableNativeMap) params[0]; return config; } } return null; }
Update the runtime settings of the label recognizer.
Add the following methods to the manager for updating the recognizer’s template and model.
private void loadCustomModel(String modelFolder, ReadableArray fileNames) { try { for(int i = 0;i<fileNames.size();i++) { AssetManager manager = mContext.getAssets(); InputStream isPrototxt ="/"+fileNames.getString(i)+".prototxt"); byte[] prototxt = new byte[isPrototxt.available()];; isPrototxt.close(); InputStream isCharacterModel ="/"+fileNames.getString(i)+".caffemodel"); byte[] characterModel = new byte[isCharacterModel.available()];; isCharacterModel.close(); InputStream isTxt ="/"+fileNames.getString(i)+".txt"); byte[] txt = new byte[isTxt.available()];; isTxt.close(); recognizer.appendCharacterModelBuffer(fileNames.getString(i), prototxt, txt, characterModel); } Log.d("DLR","custom model loaded"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void updateTemplate(String template){ if (currentTemplate.equals(template) == false) { try { recognizer.initRuntimeSettings(template); } catch (LabelRecognizerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } currentTemplate = template; } } public void useCustomModel(String modelFolder, ReadableArray modelFileNames){ if (modelFolder.equals(currentModelFolder) == false) { loadCustomModel(modelFolder, modelFileNames); currentModelFolder = modelFolder; } } public void destroy(){ recognizer = null; }
In the plugin class, update the template and load models if they are in the config.
if (config.hasKey("customModelConfig")) { ReadableNativeMap customModelConfig = config.getMap("customModelConfig"); String modelFolder = customModelConfig.getString("customModelFolder"); ReadableArray modelFileNames = customModelConfig.getArray("customModelFileNames"); manager.useCustomModel(modelFolder,modelFileNames); } if (config.hasKey("template")) { String template = config.getString("template"); manager.updateTemplate(template); }
Crop the image if a scan region is set.
if (config != null && config.hasKey("scanRegion")) { ReadableNativeMap scanRegion = config.getMap("scanRegion"); double left = scanRegion.getInt("left") / 100.0 * bm.getWidth(); double top = scanRegion.getInt("top") / 100.0 * bm.getHeight(); double width = scanRegion.getInt("width") / 100.0 * bm.getWidth(); double height = scanRegion.getInt("height") / 100.0 * bm.getHeight(); bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(bm, (int) left, (int) top, (int) width, (int) height, null, false); }
Recognize text from the image and wrap the result.
WritableNativeMap scanResult = new WritableNativeMap(); WritableNativeArray array = new WritableNativeArray(); try { DLRResult[] results = recognizer.recognizeImage(bm); for (DLRResult result:results) { array.pushMap(Utils.getMapFromDLRResult(result)); } } catch (LabelRecognizerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } scanResult.putArray("results",array); if (config != null && config.hasKey("includeImageBase64")) { if (config.getBoolean("includeImageBase64") == true) { scanResult.putString("imageBase64",Utils.bitmap2Base64(bm)); } } return scanResult;
file is created to store helper methods.public class Utils { public static Bitmap base642Bitmap(String base64) { byte[] decode = Base64.decode(base64,Base64.DEFAULT); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decode,0,decode.length); return bitmap; } public static String bitmap2Base64(Bitmap bitmap) { ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, outputStream); return Base64.encodeToString(outputStream.toByteArray(), Base64.DEFAULT); } public static WritableNativeMap getMapFromDLRResult(DLRResult result){ WritableNativeMap map = new WritableNativeMap(); map.putString("referenceRegionName",result.referenceRegionName); map.putString("textAreaName",result.textAreaName); map.putInt("confidence",result.confidence); map.putInt("pageNumber",result.pageNumber); WritableNativeArray lineResults = new WritableNativeArray(); for (DLRLineResult lineResult:result.lineResults) { lineResults.pushMap(getMapFromDLRLineResult(lineResult)); } map.putArray("lineResults",lineResults); map.putMap("location",getMapFromLocation(result.location)); return map; } private static WritableNativeMap getMapFromDLRLineResult(DLRLineResult result){ WritableNativeMap map = new WritableNativeMap(); map.putString("lineSpecificationName",result.lineSpecificationName); map.putString("text",result.text); map.putString("characterModelName",result.characterModelName); map.putMap("location",getMapFromLocation(result.location)); map.putInt("confidence",result.confidence); WritableNativeArray characterResults = new WritableNativeArray(); for (DLRCharacterResult characterResult:result.characterResults) { characterResults.pushMap(getMapFromDLRCharacterResult(characterResult)); } map.putArray("characterResults",characterResults); return map; } private static WritableNativeMap getMapFromDLRCharacterResult(DLRCharacterResult result){ WritableNativeMap map = new WritableNativeMap(); map.putString("characterH",String.valueOf(result.characterH)); map.putString("characterM",String.valueOf(result.characterM)); map.putString("characterL",String.valueOf(result.characterL)); map.putInt("characterHConfidence",result.characterHConfidence); map.putInt("characterMConfidence",result.characterMConfidence); map.putInt("characterLConfidence",result.characterLConfidence); map.putMap("location",getMapFromLocation(result.location)); return map; } private static WritableNativeMap getMapFromLocation(Quadrilateral location){ WritableNativeMap map = new WritableNativeMap(); WritableNativeArray points = new WritableNativeArray(); for (Point point: location.points) { WritableNativeMap pointAsMap = new WritableNativeMap(); pointAsMap.putInt("x",point.x); pointAsMap.putInt("y",point.y); points.pushMap(pointAsMap); } map.putArray("points",points); return map; } }
All right, we’ve now finished writing the plugin.
Use the Plugin in the Example Project
Now, we can use the plugin to do some label recognition.
Add Camera Permission
Add the following permission to the example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
file to use cameras.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
Add Vision Camera
Install react-native-vision-camera for the example project:
npm i react-native-vision-camera
Update the example/src/App.tsx
file to use VisionCamera:
import * as React from 'react';
import { SafeAreaView, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { Camera, useCameraDevices } from 'react-native-vision-camera';
export default function BarcodeScanner() {
const [hasPermission, setHasPermission] = React.useState(false);
const devices = useCameraDevices();
const device = devices.back;
React.useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const status = await Camera.requestCameraPermission();
setHasPermission(status === 'authorized');
}, []);
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
{device != null &&
hasPermission && (
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1
Enable the Label Recognition Frame Processor
Install React Native Reanimated (REA) to enable the Frame Processor feature of Vision Camera.
We can follow its installation guide to install it.
to add therecognize
function.const path = require('path'); const pak = require('../package.json'); module.exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], plugins: [ [ 'module-resolver', { extensions: ['.tsx', '.ts', '.js', '.json'], alias: { []: path.join(__dirname, '..', pak.source), }, }, ], + [ + 'react-native-reanimated/plugin', + { + globals: ['__recognize'], + }, + ], + ], };
, add theframeProcessor
props for Vision Camera.Define the frame processor:
import * as REA from 'react-native-reanimated'; const [recognitionResults, setRecognitionResults] = React.useState([] as DLRLineResult[]); const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => { 'worklet' let config:ScanConfig = {}; let scanResult = recognize(frame,config); console.log(scanResult); REA.runOnJS(setRecognitionResults)(scanResult.results); } }, [])
Add it to the Vision Camera:
<Camera style={StyleSheet.absoluteFill} device={device} isActive={isActive} format={format} + frameProcessor={frameProcessor} + frameProcessorFps={1} > </Camera>
We can define a scan region. The viewfinder is drawn using
.Set the scan region config:
import * as REA from 'react-native-reanimated'; const scanRegion:ScanRegion = { left: 5, top: 40, width: 90, height: 10 } const [recognitionResults, setRecognitionResults] = React.useState([] as DLRLineResult[]); const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => { 'worklet' let config:ScanConfig = {}; config.scanRegion = scanRegion; let scanResult = recognize(frame,config); console.log(scanResult); REA.runOnJS(setRecognitionResults)(scanResult.results); } }, [])
Draw the viewfinder:
<Svg preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid slice' style={StyleSheet.absoluteFill} viewBox={getViewBox()}> <Rect x={scanRegion.left/100*getFrameSize().width} y={*getFrameSize().height} width={scanRegion.width/100*getFrameSize().width} height={scanRegion.height/100*getFrameSize().height} strokeWidth="2" stroke="red" /> </Svg>
We can get the frame width and height from the frame parameter in the frame processor. Here are the relevant helper methods:
const getViewBox = () => { const frameSize = getFrameSize(); const viewBox = "0 0 "+frameSize.width+" "+frameSize.height; return viewBox; } const getFrameSize = ():{width:number,height:number} => { let width:number, height:number; if (HasRotation()){ //check whether the original frame is landscape. If so, switch height and width. width = frameHeight; height = frameWidth; }else { width = frameWidth; height = frameHeight; } return {width:width,height:height}; } const HasRotation = () => { let value = false if (Platform.OS === 'android') { if (!(frameWidth>frameHeight && Dimensions.get('window').width>Dimensions.get('window').height)){ value = true; } } return value; }
Then we can use a modal to display the result.
<Modal animationType="slide" transparent={true} visible={modalVisible} onRequestClose={() => { Alert.alert("Modal has been closed."); modalVisibleShared.value = !modalVisible; setModalVisible(!modalVisible); setRecognitionResults([]); }} > <View style={styles.centeredView}> <View style={styles.modalView}> {renderImage()} {, idx) => ( <Text key={"line-"+idx}> {, idx) => ( <RecognizedCharacter key={"char-"+idx} char={char}/> ))} </Text> ))} <View style={styles.buttonView}> <Pressable style={[styles.button, styles.buttonClose]} onPress={() => { Alert.alert("","Copied"); Clipboard.setString(getText()); }} > <Text style={styles.textStyle}>Copy</Text> </Pressable> <Pressable style={[styles.button, styles.buttonClose]} onPress={() => { modalVisibleShared.value = !modalVisible; setModalVisible(!modalVisible) setRecognitionResults([]); }} > <Text style={styles.textStyle}>Rescan</Text> </Pressable> </View> </View> </View> </Modal>
All right, you can recognize text from the camera in a React Native application.
Source Code
The wrappers and sample code on Dynamsoft Codepool are community editions, shared as-is and not fully tested. Dynamsoft is happy to provide technical support for users exploring these solutions but makes no guarantees.