Build a Label Recognition Frame Processor Plugin for React Native Vision Camera (iOS)
In the previous article, we’ve talked about how to build a React Native Vision Camera frame processor plugin for Android to recognize text using Dynamsoft Label Recognizer. In this article, we will finish the iOS part of the plugin.
This article is Part 2 in a 3-Part Series.
Other React Native Vision Camera Frame Processor Plugins
Links related to Dynamsoft Label Recognizer
Build a Label Recognition Frame Processor Plugin for React Native Vision Camera (iOS)
Add Dependencies
We need to add dependencies of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer first.
Open vision-camera-dynamsoft-label-recognizer.podspec
and add the following lines:
s.libraries = 'c++'
s.dependency "DynamsoftLabelRecognizer", '= 2.2.20'
Then, we can run pod install
for the example project:
cd example/ios
pod install
Add Camera Permission to the Example Project
We also need to add the following to Info.plist
for camera permission:
<string>For barcode scanning</string>
Then, we can run the app for a test.
npx react-native run-ios
Write the iOS Native Code for the Plugin
Create a new file named
with the following content:import Foundation @objc(VisionCameraDLRPlugin) public class VisionCameraDLRPlugin: NSObject, FrameProcessorPluginBase { @objc public static func callback(_ frame: Frame!, withArgs args: [Any]!) -> Any! { // code goes here return [] } }
Add the following content to
:#import <VisionCamera/FrameProcessorPlugin.h> #import <VisionCamera/Frame.h>
Create a new Objective-C file with the same name as the Swift file with the following content:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <VisionCamera/FrameProcessorPlugin.h> @interface VISION_EXPORT_SWIFT_FRAME_PROCESSOR(recognize, VisionCameraDLRPlugin) @end
Create a new
to initialize Dynamsoft Label Recognizer and manage its runtime settings:import Foundation import DynamsoftLabelRecognizer class LabelRecognizerManager:NSObject, LicenseVerificationListener { private var recognizer:DynamsoftLabelRecognizer!; private var currentModelFolder = ""; private var currentTemplate = ""; private var mLicense = ""; init(license:String){ super.init() mLicense = license initDLR(license: license) } public func getRecognizer() -> DynamsoftLabelRecognizer{ if recognizer == nil { initDLR(license: mLicense) } return recognizer } public func destroy() { recognizer = nil } private func initDLR(license:String) { DynamsoftLicenseManager.initLicense(license, verificationDelegate: self) recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.init() } func licenseVerificationCallback(_ isSuccess: Bool, error: Error?) { var msg:String? = "" if(error != nil) { let err = error as NSError? if err?.code == -1009 { msg = "Dynamsoft Label Recognizer is unable to connect to the public Internet to acquire a license. Please connect your device to the Internet or contact to acquire an offline license." }else{ msg = err!.userInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey] as? String if(msg == nil) { msg = err?.localizedDescription } } print(msg ?? "") } } public func updateTemplate(template:String){ if (currentTemplate != template) { try! recognizer.initRuntimeSettings(template) currentTemplate = template } } public func useCustomModel(modelFolder:String,modelFileNames: [String]) { if (modelFolder != currentModelFolder) { currentModelFolder = modelFolder for model in modelFileNames { guard let prototxt = Bundle.main.url( forResource: model, withExtension: "prototxt", subdirectory: modelFolder ) else { print("model not exist") return } let datapro = try! Data.init(contentsOf: prototxt) let txt = Bundle.main.url(forResource: model, withExtension: "txt", subdirectory: modelFolder) let datatxt = try! Data.init(contentsOf: txt!) let caffemodel = Bundle.main.url(forResource: model, withExtension: "caffemodel", subdirectory: modelFolder) let datacaf = try! Data.init(contentsOf: caffemodel!) DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.appendCharacterModel(model, prototxtBuffer: datapro, txtBuffer: datatxt, characterModelBuffer: datacaf) print("load model %@", model) } } } }
Use the manager to create an instance of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer if the plugin is called:
@objc(VisionCameraDLRPlugin) public class VisionCameraDLRPlugin: NSObject, FrameProcessorPluginBase { private static var recognizer:DynamsoftLabelRecognizer! private static var manager:LabelRecognizerManager! private static let context = CIContext(options: nil) @objc public static func callback(_ frame: Frame!, withArgs args: [Any]!) -> Any! { let config = getConfig(withArgs: args) if manager == nil { let license: String = config?["license"] as? String ?? "LICENSE-KEY" //default 1-day public trial. Apply for a trial license here: manager = LabelRecognizerManager(license: license) recognizer = manager.getRecognizer(); } return nil } static func getConfig(withArgs args: [Any]!) -> [String:Any]! { if args.count>0 { let config = args[0] as? [String: Any] return config } return nil } }
Update the template and load models if they are in the config.
if config!["customModelConfig"] != nil { let customModelConfig = config?["customModelConfig"] as? [String:Any] let modelFolder = customModelConfig!["customModelFolder"] as! String let modelFileNames = customModelConfig!["customModelFileNames"] as! [String] manager.useCustomModel(modelFolder: modelFolder, modelFileNames: modelFileNames) } let template = config?["template"] as? String ?? "" if (template != "") { manager.updateTemplate(template: template) }
Convert the frame to CGImage and crop it if a scan region is set.
guard let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(frame.buffer) else { print("Failed to get CVPixelBuffer!") return nil } let ciImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: imageBuffer) guard let cgImage = context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent) else { print("Failed to create CGImage!") return nil }
let image:UIImage; let scanRegion = config?["scanRegion"] as? [String: Int] if scanRegion != nil { let imgWidth = Double(cgImage.width) let imgHeight = Double(cgImage.height) let left:Double = Double(scanRegion?["left"] ?? 0) / 100.0 * imgWidth let top:Double = Double(scanRegion?["top"] ?? 0) / 100.0 * imgHeight let width:Double = Double(scanRegion?["width"] ?? 100) / 100.0 * imgWidth let height:Double = Double(scanRegion?["height"] ?? 100) / 100.0 * imgHeight // The cropRect is the rect of the image to keep, // in this case centered let cropRect = CGRect( x: left, y: top, width: width, height: height ).integral let cropped = cgImage.cropping( to: cropRect )! image = UIImage(cgImage: cropped) print("use cropped image") }else{ image = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage) }
Recognize text from the image and wrap the result.
var scanResult: [String:Any] = [:] var returned_results: [Any] = [] let results = try? recognizer.recognizeImage(image) for result in results! { returned_results.append(Utils.wrapDLRResult(result:result)) } scanResult["results"] = returned_results let includeImageBase64 = config!["includeImageBase64"] as? Bool ?? false if includeImageBase64 == true { scanResult["imageBase64"] = Utils.getBase64FromImage(image) }
class is used to store helper methods.class Utils { static public func convertBase64ToImage(_ imageStr:String) ->UIImage?{ if let data: NSData = NSData(base64Encoded: imageStr, options:NSData.Base64DecodingOptions.ignoreUnknownCharacters) { if let image: UIImage = UIImage(data: data as Data) { return image } } return nil } static func getBase64FromImage(_ image:UIImage) -> String{ let dataTmp = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 100) if let data = dataTmp { return data.base64EncodedString() } return "" } static func wrapDLRResult (result:iDLRResult) -> [String: Any] { var dict: [String: Any] = [:] dict["confidence"] = result.confidence dict["pageNumber"] = result.pageNumber dict["referenceRegionName"] = result.referenceRegionName dict["textAreaName"] = result.textAreaName dict["location"] = wrapLocation(location:result.location) var lineResults: [[String:Any]] = [] for lineResult in result.lineResults! { let lineResultDict: [String: Any] = wrapDLRLineResult(result: lineResult) lineResults.append(lineResultDict) } dict["lineResults"] = lineResults return dict } static private func wrapDLRLineResult (result:iDLRLineResult) -> [String: Any] { var dict: [String: Any] = [:] dict["confidence"] = result.confidence dict["text"] = result.text dict["characterModelName"] = result.characterModelName dict["lineSpecificationName"] = result.lineSpecificationName dict["location"] = wrapLocation(location:result.location) var characterResults: [[String:Any]] = [] for characterResult in result.characterResults! { let characterResultDict: [String: Any] = wrapDLRCharacterResult(result: characterResult) characterResults.append(characterResultDict) } dict["characterResults"] = characterResults return dict } static private func wrapDLRCharacterResult (result:iDLRCharacterResult) -> [String: Any] { var dict: [String: Any] = [:] dict["characterH"] = result.characterH dict["characterHConfidence"] = result.characterHConfidence dict["characterM"] = result.characterM dict["characterMConfidence"] = result.characterMConfidence dict["characterL"] = result.characterL dict["characterLConfidence"] = result.characterLConfidence dict["location"] = wrapLocation(location:result.location) return dict } static private func wrapLocation (location:iQuadrilateral?) -> [String: Any] { var dict: [String: Any] = [:] var points: [[String:CGFloat]] = [] let CGPoints = location!.points as! [CGPoint] for point in CGPoints { var pointDict: [String:CGFloat] = [:] pointDict["x"] = point.x pointDict["y"] = point.y points.append(pointDict) } dict["points"] = points return dict } }
All right, we’ve now finished writing the iOS part of the plugin.
Source Code
The wrappers and sample code on Dynamsoft Codepool are community editions, shared as-is and not fully tested. Dynamsoft is happy to provide technical support for users exploring these solutions but makes no guarantees.