• Using Visual SourceSafe - Working folder

    This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial Navigation Links: Working folder introduction Setting working folder Working folder is inheritable Clear working folder Working folder introduction A working folder is the specified corresponding folders on a user’s local computer used to store files when working with VSS projects....

  • Using Visual SourceSafe - Some Screenshots

    This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial The following screenshots shows the typical interface of SourceSafe. (Log on to VSS DB) (Client Window) (File History) (Share)   The SQL Server-based Source Control Software Designed to be a SourceSafe Replacement The Fastest SourceSafe Remote Access Tool Recommeded by...

  • Using Visual SourceSafe - Basic operations

    This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial Navigation Links: Add Get Check Out Check In I only put basic introduction of SourceSafe / VSS version control operations in this post. For detailed information about SourceSafe operations, like Add, Get, Check In and Undo, please refer to the...

  • Using Visual SourceSafe - Several Important Concepts

    This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial Navigation links: VSS Database/Repository Master Copy and Local Copy VSS Database/Repository VSS database/repository is the central place where all files, history, project structures, permission and user information are stored. VSS database consists of hundreds of or even thousands of individual...

  • Using Visual SourceSafe - What can VSS do?

    This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial Navigation links: History preserving File Difference Project/Folder Difference Easy Collaboration In a nutshell, you can use VSS to keep your files, including the previous versions, in a central repository/database. Although VSS is mainly used by software developers, it can be...

  • Using Visual SourceSafe - Market position

    This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial As a member of Visual Studio product family, VSS is a very popular version control solution among Windows developers. An IDC August 2004 ALM market report indicates the revenue of Microsoft in the ALM market in 2003 is US$38.1M. Since...

  • Using Visual SourceSafe - What is VSS?

    This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, also called ‘VSS’, is a file-system-based source control tool from Microsoft. This tool was originally developed by One Tree Software Company and later taken over by Microsoft. The following content is copied from Microsoft web site: Microsoft...

  • Using Visual SourceSafe - Introduction

    This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial SourceSafe / VSS is a version control tool used by many Windows developers. I started to use SourceSafe in 1995. Before I started to work on SourceAnywhere for VSS (a VSS remote access tool) in 2003, I only used very basic...