Table of contents

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader - Enumerations

Format Enumeration

Enumeration Description
BarcodeFormat Describes the barcode types in BarcodeFormat group 1.
BarcodeFormat_2 Describes the barcode types in BarcodeFormat group 2.

Parameter Mode Enumeration

Enumeration Description
BarcodeColourMode Describes the barcode colour mode.
BarcodeComplementMode Describes the barcode complement mode.
BinarizationMode Describes the binarization mode.
ColourClusteringMode Describes the colour clustering mode.
ColourConversionMode Describes the colour conversion mode.
ConflictMode Describes the conflict mode.
DeblurMode Describes the deblur mode.
DeformationResistingMode Describes the deformation resisting mode.
DPMCodeReadingMode Describes the DPM code reading mode.
GrayscaleTransformationMode Describes the grayscale transformation mode.
ImagePreprocessingMode Describes the image preprocessing mode.
LocalizationMode Describes the localization mode.
PDFReadingMode Describes the PDF reading mode.
RegionPredetectionMode Describes the region predetection mode.
ScaleUpMode Describes the scale up mode.
TerminatePhase Describes the terminate phase.
TextFilterMode Describes the text filter mode.
TextureDetectionMode Describes the texture detection mode.
Enumeration Description
IMResultDataType Describes the intermediate result data type.
IntermediateResultSavingMode Describes the intermediate result saving mode.
IntermediateResultType Describes the intermediate result type.
ResultCoordinateType Describes the result coordinate type.
ResultType Describes the extended result type.
TextResultOrderMode Describes the text result order mode.

Frame Decoding Enumeration

Enumeration Description
ClarityCalculationMethod Describes the clarity calculation method.
ClarityFilterMode Describes the clarity filter mode.

Other Enumeration

Enumeration Description
DM_ChargeWay Describes the charge way.
DM_DeploymentType Describes the deployment type.
DM_LicenseModule Describes Dynamsoft license modules.
DM_UUIDGenerationMethod Describes the UUID generation method.
ImagePixelFormat Describes the image pixel format.
QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel Describes the QR Code error correction level.
Product Describes Dynamsoft products.
EnumPresetTemplate The preset parameter setting templates.

Error Code

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