UI Configurations
In this article, you will learn:
- How to highlight the decoded barcodes
- How to add clickable torchlight button
UI configuring APIs are all included in DCECameraView class. All the UI configurations are implemented via the DCECameraView instance. You can use the following steps to get prepared for UI configurations. These steps are also mentioned in the Getting started.
import com.dynamsoft.dce.DCECameraView;
tools:layout_editor_absoluteY="0dp" />
DCECameraView cameraView = findViewById(R.id.cameraView);
How to Highlight Decoded Barcodes
By adding the following codes, the decoded barcodes will be automatically highlighted with a real-time overlay.
The stroke and fill colour of the overlays are also available for setting.
// The first value is stroke colour and the second one is fill in colour.
cameraView.setOverlayColour(0xff00ff00, 0x00000000);
How to Add clickable Torchlight Button
In the cameraView
, there is a build-in clickable torch button that can control the status of the torchlight. By invoking APIs, you can control the parameters such as position, size and icon of the button.
To display the torch button on the UI:
// If you don't add any styles for the button, the torch will be displayed on the top left corner of the screen.
To add styles for the button:
cameraView.setTorchButton(new Point(100,100),50,50,getDrawable(R.drawable.torch_on),getDrawable(R.drawable.torch_off));
If you set the position or images to null, they will be set to the default value.