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How to Upgrade

From Version 8.x to 9.x

Update the SDK to 9.x Version

  • Local Dependency
    • If you are referencing only DynamsoftBarcodeReader SDK, replace the old DynamsoftBarcodeReaderAndroid.aar file with the latest version.

    • If you are referencing both DynamsoftBarcodeReader and DynamsoftCameraEnhancer SDK, please replace the old DynamsoftBarcodeReaderAndroid.aar and DynamsoftCameraEnhancerAndroid.aar files with the latest version.

  • Remote Dependency(Maven)
    • If you are referencing only DynamsoftBarcodeReader SDK, update the version of DynamsoftBarcodeReader to the latest version in the app\build.gradle.
      dependencies {
          implementation 'com.dynamsoft:dynamsoftbarcodereader:{version-number}@aar'

      Note:Please replace {version-number} with the correct version numbers.

    • If you are referencing both DynamsoftBarcodeReader and DynamsoftCameraEnhancer SDK, update the version of DynamsoftBarcodeReader and DynamsoftCameraEnhancer to the latest version in the app\build.gradle.
      dependencies {
          implementation 'com.dynamsoft:dynamsoftbarcodereader:{version-number}@aar'
          implementation 'com.dynamsoft:dynamsoftcameraenhancer:{version-number}@aar'

      Note:Please replace {version-number} with the correct version number.

Update the License Activation Code

Starting with 9.0, we unify the API for setting offline and online licenses.

  • Java code in 8.x:
BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
// offline license


BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
DMDLSConnectionParameters dbrParameters = new DMDLSConnectionParameters();
dbrParameters.organizationID = "Your Organization Id";
// online license
reader.initLicenseFromLTS(dbrParameters, new DBRLTSLicenseVerificationListener(){

Please replace your license activation code with the following code. You can get the 3.0 license from customer portal–>License detail.

  • Java code in 9.x:
BarcodeReader.initLicense("Put your 3.0 license", new DBRLicenseVerificationListener() {
    public void DBRLicenseVerificationCallback(boolean isSuccess, Exception error) {


1.The following license activation method are removed, you should make the changes in 9.x upgrade:

  • initLicenseFromLTS

2.The following license activation methods are deprecated, they will be removed in version 10.0. We recommend that you upgrade to the new license API, but this is optional during the upgrade to 9.x.:

  • initLicenseFromDLS
  • initLicenseFromServer
  • initLicenseFromLicenseContent

Update the default runtime settings

In 9.0, the default preset template EnumPresetTemplate.DEFAULT will be changed to EnumPresetTemplate.VIDEO_SINGLE_BARCODE internally to better suit mobile scenarios. We also added template EnumPresetTemplate.IMAGE_DEFAULT to store the legacy configurations of EnumPresetTemplate.DEFAULT.

If the default template is not specified in the previous code (the default template is still used internally) or the default template is used explicitly, and you want to keep the original running logic, you need to call the following function after creating the barcode reader instance:

BarcodeReader barcodereader = new BarcodeReader();

// add the following code to change to the legacy default settings

// change the settings based on the legacy default template...

Update the Video Barcode Decoding Code

Some of the legacy video barcode decoding methods are removed. Make sure to change your code if you were using the following APIs:

  • Legacy Frame Decoding APIs:
    • Class FrameDecodingParameters
    • interface ErrorCallback
    • BarcodeReader.startFrameDecoding
    • BarcodeReader.startFrameDecodingEx
    • BarcodeReader.appendFrame
    • BarcodeReader.setErrorCallback
    • BarcodeReader.stopFrameDecoding
    • BarcodeReader.initFrameDecodingParameters
    • BarcodeReader.getLengthOfFrameQueue
  • Legacy Camera Enhancer supporting APIs
    • Class DCESettingParameters
    • BarcodeReader.SetCameraEnhancerParam
    • BarcodeReader.StartCameraEnhancer
    • BarcodeReader.StopCameraEnhancer
    • BarcodeReader.PauseCameraEnhancer
    • BarcodeReader.ResumeCameraEnhancer


  • If you are upgrading from v8.9.0 or higher versions, you might not need to make any changes on video barcode decoding APIs.

From version 7.x to 9.x

We made some structural updates in the new version. To upgrade from 7.x to 9.x, we recommend you to review our sample code and re-write the barcode scanning module.

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