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  • Android
  • Objective-C
  • Swift
public class EnumResultType {
    public static final int RT_STANDARDTEXT = 0;
    public static final int RT_RAWTEXT = 1;
    public static final int RT_CANDIDATETEXt = 2;
    public static final int RT_PARTIALTEXT = 3;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, EnumResultType)
    /** Specifies the standard text. This means the barcode value. */
    EnumResultTypeStandardText = 0,
    /** Specifies the raw text. This means the text that includes start/stop characters, check digits, etc. */
    EnumResultTypeRawText = 1,
    /** Specifies all the candidate text. This means all the standard text results decoded from the barcode. */
    EnumResultTypeCandidateText = 2,
    /** Specifies the partial text. This means part of the text result decoded from the barcode. */
    EnumResultTypePartialText = 3
public enum EnumResultType : Int{
    /** Specifies the standard text. This means the barcode value. */
    standardText = 0
    /** Specifies the raw text. This means the text that includes start/stop characters, check digits, etc. */
    rawText = 1
    /** Specifies all the candidate text. This means all the standard text results decoded from the barcode. */
    candidateText = 2
    /** Specifies the partial text. This means part of the text result decoded from the barcode. */
    partialText = 3

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