Table of contents

Error Code


class EnumErrorCode


Error Code Value Description
DBR_SUCCESS 0 Successful.
DBR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION 1 System exception.
DBR_UNKNOWN -10000 Unknown error.
DBR_NO_MEMORY -10001 Not enough memory to perform the operation.
DBR_NULL_POINTER -10002 Null pointer.
DBR_LICENSE_INVALID -10003 The license is invalid.
DBR_LICENSE_EXPIRED -10004 The license has expired.
DBR_FILE_NOT_FOUND -10005 The file is not found.
DBR_FILETYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -10006 The file type is not supported.
DBR_BPP_NOT_SUPPORTED -10007 The BPP (Bits Per Pixel) is not supported.
DBR_INDEX_INVALID -10008 The index is invalid.
DBR_BARCODE_FORMAT_INVALID -10009 The barcode format is invalid.
DBR_CUSTOM_REGION_INVALID -10010 The input region value parameter is invalid.
DBR_MAX_BARCODE_NUMBER_INVALID -10011 The maximum barcode number is invalid.
DBR_IMAGE_READ_FAILED -10012 Failed to read the image.
DBR_TIFF_READ_FAILED -10013 Failed to read the TIFF image.
DBR_QR_LICENSE_INVALID -10016 The QR Code license is invalid.
DBR_1D_LICENSE_INVALID -10017 The 1D Barcode license is invalid.
DBR_DIB_BUFFER_INVALID -10018 The DIB (Device-Independent Bitmaps) buffer is invalid.
DBR_PDF417_LICENSE_INVALID -10019 The PDF417 license is invalid.
DBR_PDF_READ_FAILED -10021 Failed to read the PDF file.
DBR_PDF_DLL_MISSING -10022 The PDF DLL is missing.
DBR_PAGE_NUMBER_INVALID -10023 The page number is invalid.
DBR_CUSTOM_SIZE_INVALID -10024 The custom size is invalid.
DBR_CUSTOM_MODULESIZE_INVALID -10025 The custom module size is invalid.
DBR_RECOGNITION_TIMEOUT -10026 Recognition timeout.
DBR_JSON_PARSE_FAILED -10030 Failed to parse JSON string.
DBR_JSON_TYPE_INVALID -10031 The value type is invalid.
DBR_JSON_KEY_INVALID -10032 The key is invalid.
DBR_JSON_VALUE_INVALID -10033 The value is invalid or out of range.
DBR_JSON_NAME_KEY_MISSING -10034 The mandatory key “Name” is missing.
DBR_JSON_NAME_VALUE_DUPLICATED -10035 The value of the key “Name” is duplicated.
DBR_TEMPLATE_NAME_INVALID -10036 The template name is invalid.
DBR_JSON_NAME_REFERENCE_INVALID -10037 The name reference is invalid.
DBR_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID -10038 The parameter value is invalid or out of range.
DBR_DOMAIN_NOT_MATCHED -10039 The domain of your current site does not match the domain bound in the current product key.
DBR_RESERVEDINFO_NOT_MATCHED -10040 The reserved info does not match the reserved info bound in the current product key.
DBR_AZTEC_LICENSE_INVALID -10041 The AZTEC license is invalid.
DBR_LICENSE_DLL_MISSING -10042 The License DLL is missing.
DBR_LICENSEKEY_NOT_MATCHED -10043 The license key does not match the license content.
DBR_REQUESTED_FAILED -10044 Failed to request the license content.
DBR_LICENSE_INIT_FAILED -10045 Failed to init the license.
DBR_PATCHCODE_LICENSE_INVALID -10046 The Patchcode license is invalid.
DBR_POSTALCODE_LICENSE_INVALID -10047 The Postal code license is invalid.
DBR_DPM_LICENSE_INVALID -10048 The DPM license is invalid.
DBR_FRAME_DECODING_THREAD_EXISTS -10049 The frame decoding thread already exists.
DBR_STOP_DECODING_THREAD_FAILED -10050 Failed to stop the frame decoding thread.
DBR_SET_MODE_ARGUMENT_ERROR -10051 Failed to set mode’s argument.
DBR_LICENSE_CONTENT_INVALID -10052 The license content is invalid.
DBR_LICENSE_KEY_INVALID -10053 The license key is invalid.
DBR_LICENSE_DEVICE_RUNS_OUT -10054 The device number in the license key runs out.
DBR_GET_MODE_ARGUMENT_ERROR -10055 Failed to get mode’s argument.
DBR_IRT_LICENSE_INVALID -10056 The Intermediate Result Types license is invalid.
DBR_MAXICODE_LICENSE_INVALID -10057 The Maxicode license is invalid.
DBR_GS1_DATABAR_LICENSE_INVALID -10058 The GS1 Databar license is invalid.
DBR_GS1_COMPOSITE_LICENSE_INVALID -10059 The GS1 Composite code license is invalid.
DBR_PANORAMA_LICENSE_INVALID -10060 The panorama license is invalid.
DBR_DOTCODE_LICENSE_INVALID -10061 The DotCode license is invalid.

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