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Enumerations Error code

You are viewing a history document page of Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer v2.x.


Language Declaration
Java(Android) class EnumDCEErrorCode
Objective-C & Swift enum EnumDCEErrorCode


Error Code (Android) Error Code (iOS) Value Description
DCE_OK EnumCameraErrorCode_OK 0 Successful.
DCE_UNKNOWN EnumCameraErrorCode_UNKNOWN -10000 Unknown error.
DCE_LICENSE_INVALID EnumCameraErrorCode_LICENSE_INVALID -10001 The licence is invalid.
DCE_LICENSE_EXPIRED EnumCameraErrorCode_LICENSE_EXPIRED -10002 The licence has expired.
DCE_CAMERA_MODULE_NOT_EXIST EnumCameraErrorCode_CAMERA_MODULE_NOT_EXIST -10003 Camera module does not exist.
DCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND EnumCameraErrorCode_FILE_NOT_FOUND -10004 Failed to access the file path.
DCE_JSON_PARSE_FAILED EnumCameraErrorCode_JSON_PARSE_FAILED -10005 Failed to parse the JSON data.
DCE_CAMERA_ID_NOT_EXIST EnumCameraErrorCode_CAMERA_ID_NOT_EXIST -10006 The input value does not exist in the camera ID list.
DCE_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID EnumCameraErrorCode_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID -10038 The input parameter is invalid.
DCE_LICENSEKEY_NOT_MATCHED EnumCameraErrorCode_LICENSEKEY_NOT_MATCHED -10043 The license key does not match the license content.
DCE_REQUESTED_FAILED EnumCameraErrorCode_REQUESTED_FAILED -10044 The license key does not match the license content.
DCE_NO_SENSOR EnumCameraErrorCode_NO_SENSOR -10045 The mobile sensor is not available.
DM_NO_LICENSE EnumCameraErrorCode_NO_LICENSE -20000 There is no license specified.
DM_HANDSHAKE_CODE_INVALID EnumCameraErrorCode_HANDSHAKE_CODE_INVALID -20001 Handshake code is invalid.
DM_LICENSE_BUFFER_FAILED EnumCameraErrorCode_LICENSE_BUFFER_FAILED -20002 Failed to read or write license buffer.
DM_LICENSE_SYNC_FAILED EnumCameraErrorCode_LICENSE_SYNC_FAILED -20003 Failed to synchronize license info with Dynamsoft License Server.
DM_DEVICE_NOT_MATCH EnumCameraErrorCode_DEVICE_NOT_MATCH -20004 Device does not match with license buffer.
DM_BIND_DEVICE_FAILED EnumCameraErrorCode_BIND_DEVICE_FAILED -20005 Failed to bind device.
DM_LICENSE_INTERFACE_CONFLICT EnumCameraErrorCode_LICENSE_INTERFACE_CONFLICT -20006 Interface InitLicense can not be used together with other license initiation interfaces.
DM_LICENSE_CLIENT_DLL_MISSING EnumCameraErrorCode_LICENSE_CLIENT_DLL_MISSING -20007 The license client dll is missing.
DM_INSTANCE_COUNT_OVER_LIMITED EnumCameraErrorCode_INSTANCE_COUNT_OVER_LIMITED -20008 The number of instances used has exceeded the limit.
DM_LICENSE_INIT_SEQUENCE_FAILED EnumCameraErrorCode_LICENSE_INIT_SEQUENCE_FAILED -20009 Interface InitLicense has to be called before creating any SDK objects.
DM_TRIAL_LICENSE EnumCameraErrorCode_TRIAL_LICENSE -20010 Using a trial license.
DM_FAILED_TO_REACH_DLS EnumCameraErrorCode_FAILED_TO_REACH_DLS -20200 Fail to connect to Dynamsoft License Server.

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