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You are viewing a historical document page of Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer v3.0.3.

The DCEFrame is the class that stores pixel data and further information.

class com.dynamsoft.dce.DCEFrame
Method Name Description
getImageData Get the pixel data of the image.
getWidth Get the pixel width of the image.
getHeight Get the pixel height of the image.
getStrides Get the number of row bytes in each image plane (YUV).
getPixelFormat Get the pixel format of the image. Currently, the image output format of DCEFrame is always NV21.
getFrameID Get the frameID of the DCEFrame object.
getQuality Get the frame quality of the image. User have to enable the frame filter feature to get the quality (high/low) of the image. Otherwise, the frame quality will be unknown.
getIsCropped Get a boolean value that means whether the image is cropped. The frames can be cropped if fast mode is enabled.
getCropRegion Get the crop region of the image (if the image is cropped).
getOrientation Set the orientation of the image.
setImageData Set the pixel data of the image.
setWidth Set the pixel width of the image.
setHeight Set the pixel height of the image.
setStrides Set the number of row bytes in each image plane (YUV).
setPixelFormat Set the pixel format of the image. Currently, the image output format of DCEFrame is always NV21.
setFrameID Set the frameID of the DCEFrame object.
setQuality Set the frame quality of the image. User have to enable the frame filter feature to get the quality (high/low) of the image. Otherwise, the frame quality will be unknown.
setIsCropped Set a boolean value that means whether the image is cropped. The frames can be cropped if fast mode is enabled.
setCropRegion Set a boolean value that means whether the image is cropped. The frames can be cropped if fast mode is enabled.
setOrientation Set the orientation of the image.
toBitmap The method converts the image to UIImage to make it visible on the UI.



Get the pixel data of the image.

byte[] getImageData()

Return Value

The method returns a byte list that stores the pixel data of the image.



Get the pixel width of the image.

int getWidth()

Return Value

The method returns the pixel width of the image.



Get the pixel height of the image.

int getHeight()

Return Value

The method returns the pixel height of the image.



Get the number of row bytes in each image plane (YUV).

int[] getStrides()

Return Value

The number of row bytes in each image plane (YUV).


strides[0] is the stride of Y component in the image. strides[1] and strides[2] are the strides of the U (blue projection) and V (red projection) components in the image.



Get the pixel format of the image. Currently, the image output format of DCEFrame is always NV21.

int getPixelFormat()

Return Value

The method returns an int value that refers to the enumeration value of ImagePixelFormat (view the enumeration members in Dynamsoft Barcode Reader documents).



Get the frameID of the DCEFrame object.

int getFrameID()

Return Value

The method returns an int value that stores the frameID of the image.



Get the frame quality of the image. User have to enable the frame filter feature to get the quality (high/low) of the image. Otherwise, the frame quality will be unknown.

EnumFrameQuality getQuality()

Return Value

The method returns an enumeration value in EnumFrameQuality.


Users can get all the original DCEFrame via DCEFrameListener but only high-quality frame can be acquired from the DCE video buffer if frame filter is enabled. In another word, when frame filter feature is enabled, the frame quality will always be high if they are acquired by triggering getFrameFromBuffer.



Get a boolean value that means whether the image is cropped. The frames can be cropped if fast mode is enabled.

boolean getIsCropped()

Return Value

A boolean value. True means the image is cropped and false means the image has never been cropped.



Get the crop region of the image (if the image is cropped).

Rect getCropRegion()

Return Value

A Rect value that stores the crop region. If the image is not cropped, the value will be null.



Set the orientation of the image.

int getOrientation()

Return Value

Int value that means the rotation angle of the image. The value is 0, 90, 180 or 270 with depends on the device orientation.


All examples of the orientation



Set the pixel data of the image.

void setImageData(byte[] imageData)


imageData: A byte list that storing the image pixel data.



Set the pixel width of the image.

void setWidth(int width)


width: The pixel value that stands for the width of the image.



Set the pixel height of the image.

void setHeight(int height)


height: The pixel value that stands for the height of the image.



Set the number of row bytes in each image plane.

void setStrides(int[] strides)


strides: The number of row bytes in each image plane.



Set the pixel format of the image.

void setPixelFormat(int pixelFormat)


pixelFormat: The pixelFormat of the image. View more in Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Enumeration ImagePixelFormat



Set the frameID of the image.

void setFrameID(int frameID)


frameID: An int value that stands for the frameID of the image.



Set the frame quality of the image.

void setQuality(EnumFrameQuality quality)


quality: An Enumeration value that means the frame quality. Read more in EnumFrameQuality.



Set whether the image is cropped.

void setIsCropped(boolean isCropped)


isCropped: A boolean value that means whether the image is cropped.



Set the crop region of the image (if the frame is cropped).

void setCropRegion(Rect region)


cropRegion: A Rect value that means crop area of the image (if the frame is cropped).



Set the orientation of the image.

void setOrientation(int orientation)


orientation: Int value that means the rotation angle of the image.


The method converts the image to UIImage to make it visible on the UI.

Bitmap toBitmap()

Return Value

The converted image.

Code Snippet

Bitmap frame = DCEFrame.toBitmap();

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