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Release Notes - JavaScript 2.x

2.3.2 (03/28/2022)

  • Fixed bug in API setVideoFit() so that it works correctly with canvases created by addScanRegionOverlayCanvas().

2.3.1 (03/21/2022)

Version Highlights

  • The same camera enhancer instance can now be used by multiple products. (JS edition only)
  • Added photo capturing features. You can now capture high-resolution images using the library. (Mobile editions only)
  • Added device feedback features. You can now trigger vibrations or beep sounds of mobile devices. (Mobile editions only)



  • Added method getResolutions() to test and return supported resolutions by the current active camera.
  • Added property frameColorMode to control the color mode of the resulting image generated by the method getFrame().
  • Added event frameAddedToBuffer which is triggered each time a frame is added to the buffer.
  • Added method toCanvas() to DCEFrame objects to allow the image data to be converted to a canvas at runtime.

2.1.0 (01/20/2022)

Version Highlights

  • Added class scan region configuration APIs and RegionDefinition for users to set the region of interest. The frames will be cropped based on the scan region to accelerate further frame processing.



  • Added methods getScanRegion() and setScanRegion() to control which part of the original video frames are cropped when acquiring frames for a 3rd party application to use.
  • Added method setScanRegionMaskStyle() to set the style of the indicator for the scan region.
  • Added method getVisibleRegion() to return which part of the original video frames are currently visible in the video element.
  • Added methods startFetchingLoop(), stopFetchingLoop(),isFetchingLoopStarted() and getFrameFromBuffer() plus properties maxNumberOfFramesInbuffer, numberOfFramesInBuffer and loopInterval to control the continuous fetching of frames into the buffer.
  • Added methods getFocus() and setFocus() to control the camera focus.
  • Added methods setVideoFit() and getVideoFit() to control the fitting style of the video element.
  • Added the feature to display a view decorator with the methods getViewDecorator() and setViewDecorator(). Also, added methods setViewDecoratorLineWidth(), setViewDecoratorStrokeStyle(), setViewDecoratorFillStyle() and setViewDecoratorMaskFillStyle() to control the style of the view decorator.
  • Added method addScanRegionOverlayCanvas() to return a canvas above the video stream for users to draw on.
  • Added property singelFrameMode to handle the situation where no camera is available.
  • Added property ifSkipCameraInspection to skip camera inspection upon initialization to save time.
  • Added property ifSaveLastUsedCamera to keep track of last used camera.
  • Added methods on() and off() to control event binding and unbinding.
  • Added method dispose() to releases all resources used by a CameraEnhancer instance.

2.0.3 (10/29/2021)

  • Fixed a bug that caused compiler errors in frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue.

2.0.1 (10/26/2021)

  • Improved the frame buffer mechanism.

2.0.0 (10/20/2021)

  • Well-wrapped APIs to control cameras based on the MediaDevices interface.
  • Automatic selection of the optimal camera to use.
  • Built-in user interface for fast interaction.
  • Built-in compatibility mode, suitable for scenes where no camera is available.
  • Built-in frame buffer mechanism to save time for the application(s) making use of the video frames.
  • Flexible frame acquisition methods, allowing automatic or manual interaction.

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Version 1.0

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      • Version 4.0.1
      • Version 4.0.0
    • Version 3.x
      • Version 3.3.10
      • Version 3.3.9
      • Version 3.3.8
      • Version 3.3.7
      • Version 3.3.6
      • Version 3.3.5
      • Version 3.3.4
      • Version 3.3.3
      • Version 3.3.2
      • Version 3.3.1
      • Version 3.3.0
      • Version 3.2.0
      • Version 3.1.0
      • Version 3.0.1
      • Version 3.0.0
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.3.5
      • Version 2.3.2
      • Version 2.3.1
      • Version 2.3.0
      • Version 2.1.4
      • Version 2.1.3
      • Version 2.1.0
      • Version 2.0.0
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