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The following diagram shows how sections connect to each other to form tasks:

flowchart LR;
     A[1.Region Pre-Detection]-->C[2.1.Shared Detection]
     C---D[2.2.Barcode Localization]
     C---E[2.2.Text-line Localization]
     C---F[2.2.Document Detection]
     D---G[3.Barcode Decoding]
     E---H[3.Text-line Recognition]
     F---I[3.Document Normalization]
     style D fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

In this article, we’ll discuss the section Barcode Localization which is the product-specific part of the 2nd section of a “Read-Barcodes” task.

The 2nd section of a “Read-Barcodes” task consists of Shared Detection and Barcode Localization.

Section 2.2 - Barcode Localization

The purpose of this section is to find the exact locations of barcodes on the image.

Constituting Stages

This section consists of multiple stages which forms a fixed and relatively complete set of workflow:

  1. Contour-locating: to find contours that may be part of barcodes.
  2. Line-locating: to extract lines from the contours.
  3. Candidates-locating: to find zones that may contain barcodes.
  4. Barcodes-locating: to find exact locations of barcodes.

Output and Parameters

Each of these stages has its own output (known as an intermediate result) and usually a specific parameter that can regulate the operation:

Stage Intermediate Result Type Related Parameter
Contour-locating IRUT_CONTOURS LocalizationModes
Line-locating IRUT_LINE_SEGMENTS LocalizationModes
Candidates-locating IRUT_CANDIDATE_BARCODE_ZONES LocalizationModes
Barcodes-locating IRUT_LOCALIZED_BARCODES LocalizationModes

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