Enumeration DeblurMode
specifies the image processing algorithms applied to the localized zones containing barcodes, aimed at generating a binary image for extracting barcode data during the final phase of the barcode decoding process.
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enum EnumDeblurMode { /** Skips the process, no deblurring is applied. */ DM_SKIP = 0x00, /** Applies a direct binarization algorithm for generating the binary image. */ DM_DIRECT_BINARIZATION = 0x01, /** Utilizes a threshold binarization algorithm for generating the binary image, dynamically determining the threshold based on the image content. */ DM_THRESHOLD_BINARIZATION = 0x02, /** Employs a gray equalization algorithm to adjust the contrast and brightness, improving the clarity of the gray-scale image before binarization. */ DM_GRAY_EQUALIZATION = 0x04, /** Implements a smoothing algorithm to reduce noise and artifacts, smoothing out the gray-scale image before binarization. */ DM_SMOOTHING = 0x08, /** Uses a morphing algorithm to enhance the gray-scale image before binarization. */ DM_MORPHING = 0x10, /** Engages in a deep analysis of the grayscale image based on the barcode format to intelligently generate the optimized binary image, tailored to complex or severely blurred images. */ DM_DEEP_ANALYSIS = 0x20, /** Applies a sharpening algorithm to enhance the edges and details of the barcode, making it more distinguishable on the gray-scale image before binarization. */ DM_SHARPENING = 0x40, /** Decodes the barcodes based on the binary image obtained during the localization process. */ DM_BASED_ON_LOC_BIN = 0x80, /** Combines sharpening and smoothing algorithms for a comprehensive deblurring effect, targeting both clarity and smoothness of the gray-scale image before binarization. */ DM_SHARPENING_SMOOTHING = 0x100, /** Reserved for future use. */ DM_REV = -2147483648 }
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) public @interface EnumDeblurMode { /** Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm. */ public static final int DM_DIRECT_BINARIZATION = 0x01; /** Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm. */ public static final int DM_THRESHOLD_BINARIZATION = 0x02; /** Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm. */ public static final int DM_GRAY_EQUALIZATION = 0x04; /** Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm. */ public static final int DM_SMOOTHING = 0x08; /** Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm. */ public static final int DM_MORPHING = 0x10; /** Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm. */ public static final int DM_DEEP_ANALYSIS = 0x20; /** Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm. */ public static final int DM_SHARPENING = 0x40; /** Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process. */ public static final int DM_BASED_ON_LOC_BIN = 0x80; /** Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm. */ public static final int DM_SHARPENING_SMOOTHING = 0x100; /**Reserved setting for deblur mode.*/ public static final int DM_REV = -2147483648; /**Skips the deblur process.*/ public static final int DM_SKIP = 0x00 }
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger , DSDeblurMode) { /**Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm.*/ DSDeblurModeDirectBinarization = 0x01, /**Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm.*/ DSDeblurModeThresholdBinarization = 0x02, /**Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm.*/ DSDeblurModeGrayEqualization = 0x04, /**Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm.*/ DSDeblurModeSmoothing = 0x08, /**Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm.*/ DSDeblurModeMorphing = 0x10, /**Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm.*/ DSDeblurModeDeepAnalysis = 0x20, /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm.*/ DSDeblurModeSharpening = 0x40, /**Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process.*/ DSDeblurModeBasedOnLocBin = 0x80, /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm.*/ DSDeblurModeSharpeningSmoothing = 0x100, /**Reserved setting for deblur mode.*/ DSDeblurModeRev = -2147483648, /**Skips the deblur process.*/ DSDeblurModeSkip = 0x00 };
public enum DeblurMode : Int { /**Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm.*/ directBinarization = 0x01 /**Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm.*/ thresholdBinarization = 0x02 /**Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm.*/ grayEqualization = 0x04 /**Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm.*/ smoothing = 0x08 /**Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm.*/ morphing = 0x10 /**Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm.*/ deepAnalysis = 0x20 /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm.*/ sharpening = 0x40 /**Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process.*/ basedOnLocBin = 0x80 /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm.*/ sharpeningSmoothing = 0x100 /**Reserved setting for deblur mode.*/ rev = -2147483648 /**Skips the deblur process.*/ skip = 0x00 }
typedef enum DeblurMode { /** Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm. */ DM_DIRECT_BINARIZATION = 0x01, /** Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm. */ DM_THRESHOLD_BINARIZATION = 0x02, /** Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm. */ DM_GRAY_EQUALIZATION = 0x04, /** Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm. */ DM_SMOOTHING = 0x08, /** Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm. */ DM_MORPHING = 0x10, /** Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm. */ DM_DEEP_ANALYSIS = 0x20, /** Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm. */ DM_SHARPENING = 0x40, /** Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process. */ DM_BASED_ON_LOC_BIN = 0x80, /** Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm. */ DM_SHARPENING_SMOOTHING = 0x100, /** Reserved setting for deblur mode. */ #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) DM_REV = 0x80000000, #else DM_REV = -2147483648, #endif /**Skips the deblur process. */ DM_SKIP = 0x00 }DeblurMode;
public enum EnumDeblurMode { /**Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm.*/ DM_DIRECT_BINARIZATION = 0x01, /**Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm.*/ DM_THRESHOLD_BINARIZATION = 0x02, /**Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm.*/ DM_GRAY_EQUALIZATION = 0x04, /**Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm.*/ DM_SMOOTHING = 0x08, /**Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm.*/ DM_MORPHING = 0x10, /**Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm.*/ DM_DEEP_ANALYSIS = 0x20, /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm.*/ DM_SHARPENING = 0x40, /**Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process.*/ DM_BASED_ON_LOC_BIN = 0x80, /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm.*/ DM_SHARPENING_SMOOTHING = 0x100, /**Reserved setting for deblur mode.*/ DM_REV = -2147483648, /**Skips the deblur process.*/ DM_SKIP = 0x00 }