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Enumeration TargetType

TargetType describes the target types.

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enum EnumTargetType
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode PDFRM_RASTER.*/
   TT_PAGE = 0,
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/
   TT_IMAGE = 1
public @interface EnumTargetType {
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode raster.*/
   public static final int TT_PAGE = 0;
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/
   public static final int TT_IMAGE = 1;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, DSTargetType)
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode raster.*/
   DSTargetTypePage = 0,
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/
   DSTargetTypeImage = 1
public enum TargetType : Int
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode raster.*/
   page = 0,
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/
   image = 1
typedef enum TargetType
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "page". Only available for PDFReadingMode PDFRM_RASTER.*/
   /**The target type of the PDF file is "image".*/
} TargetType;

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