Parameter CharacterNormalizationMode
defines an array of character normalization mode to implement. The array index represents the priority of the item. The smaller index is, the higher priority is.
"Mode": "CNM_MORPH",
"MorphOperation": "Close",
"MorphArgument": "3",
"Mode": "CNM_SKIP"
Parameter Summary
Parameter CharacterNormalizationModes
consist of a group of character normalization mode objects. Each character normalization mode object includes a candidate mode and a series of mode arguments. The mode arguments of the character normalization mode object is shown as follow:
Mode Arguments
Mode Argument Name | Mode Argument Summary |
Mode (Required) |
Description Specifies a mode for character normalization. |
Type String |
Candidate Mode List
Default Value ["CNM_SKIP"] |
MorphOperation (Optional) |
Description Sets the morph operation. |
Type String |
Range "Erode", "Dilate", "Open" or "Close" |
Default Value "Close" |
Remarks "Erode": Perform erosion process. "Dilate": Perform dilation process. "Open": Perform erosion first, then perform dilation. "Close": Perform dilation first, then perform erosion. |
MorphArgument (Optional) |
Description Sets the Argument ContentDirection. |
Type int |
Range [0,2] |
Default Value 0 |
Remarks Only available for "DM_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION". 0: Direction unknown. 1: Vertical direction. 2: Horizontal direction. |
Default Setting
Candidate Modes Introduction
Implement morphological transformations to normalize the characters.
Lets the library choose a mode automatically.