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The ObservationParameters class is used to set filter conditions for the IntermediateResultReceiver, so that only intermediate results meeting specific conditions will be called back.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.core.intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore.aar

class ObservationParameters


Method Description
addObservedTask Adds observed task name to be notified when relevant results are available.
removeObservedTask Remove the observed task name so that intermediate results generated by the task are not notified.
isTaskObserved Check whether the specified task was observed.
setResultUnitTypesOnlyForInput Defines the type of intermediate result unit that indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.
getResultUnitTypesOnlyForInput Get the intermediate result unit that only for replacing with input data units.


Adds observed task name to be notified when relevant results are available.

void addObservedTask(String taskName);


[in] taskName: Specify a task name to add to the observation list.


Remove the observed task name so that intermediate results generated by the task are not notified.

void removeObservedTask(String taskName);


[in] taskName: Specify a task name to remove from the observation list.


Check whether the specified task was observed.

boolean isTaskObserved(String taskName);


[in] taskName: Specify a task name to check the observation state.

Return Value

A boolean value that indicates whether the specified task is observed.


Defines the type of intermediate result unit that indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.

void setResultUnitTypesOnlyForInput(long types);


[in] types: Specify the result unit types only for input.


Get the intermediate result unit that only for replacing with input data units.

long getResultUnitTypesOnlyForInput();

Return Value

The result unit types only for input.

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