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The LicenseManager class provides a set of APIs to manage SDK licensing.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.license

Assembly: DynamsoftLicense.aar

class LicenseManager


Method Description
initLicense Initializes the license for the application using a license key.
setDeviceFriendlyName Assigns a distinctive name to the device, correlating it with its UUID.
getDeviceUUID Returns the unique identifier of the device.


Initializes the license for the application using a license key.

static void initLicense(String license, @NonNull Context context, LicenseVerificationListener listener);


[in] license: The license key to be used for initialization.

[in] context: The context that you want to initialize the license.

[in] listener: An listener object of LicenseVerificationListener to monitor the license activation status.


Assigns a distinctive name to the device, correlating it with its UUID.

static void setDeviceFriendlyName(String name);


[in] name: The name of the device.


Returns the unique identifier of the device.

static String getDeviceUUID(){}

Return Value

The unique identifier of the device.

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