The DirectoryFetcher
class is a utility class that retrieves a list of files from a specified directory based on certain criteria. It inherits the ProactiveImageSourceAdapter
class so that you can set it as the input of CaptureVisionRouter
with the API setInput
Namespace: com.dynamsoft.utility
Assembly: DynamsoftUtility.aar
class DirectoryFetcher extends ProactiveImageSourceAdapter
Method | Description |
setDirectory |
Sets the directory path and filter for the file search. |
setPages |
Set the pages to read. |
DirectoryFetcher |
The constructor. |
The following methods are inherited from ProactiveImageSourceAdapter
Method | Description |
setImageFetchInterval |
Sets the time interval for the ImageSource to wait before attempting to fetch another image to put in the buffer. |
getImageFetchInterval |
Gets the time interval for the ImageSource to wait before attempting to fetch another image to put in the buffer. |
The following methods are inherited from ImageSourceAdapter
Method | Description |
addImageToBuffer |
Adds an image to the internal buffer. |
clearBuffer |
Clears all images from the buffer, resetting the state for new image fetching. |
getBufferOverflowProtectionMode |
Get the current mode for handling buffer overflow. |
getColourChannelUsageType |
Get the current usage type for color channels in images. |
getImageCount |
Get the current number of images in the buffer. |
getImage |
Get a buffered image. Implementing classes should return a Promise that resolves with an instance of DSImageData . |
getMaxImageCount |
Get the maximum number of images that can be buffered. |
hasImage |
Checks if an image with the specified ID is present in the buffer. |
hasNextImageToFetch |
Determines whether there are more images available to fetch. |
isBufferEmpty |
Determines whether the buffer is currently empty. |
setBufferOverflowProtectionMode |
Sets the behavior for handling new incoming images when the buffer is full. |
setColourChannelUsageType |
Sets the usage type for color channels in images. |
setErrorListener |
Sets an error listener to receive notifications about errors that occur during image source operations. |
setMaxImageCount |
Sets the maximum number of images that can be buffered at any time. |
setNextImageToReturn(imageId) |
Sets the processing priority of a specific image. This can affect the order in which images are returned by getImage. |
setNextImageToReturn(imageId,keepInBuffer) |
Sets the processing priority of a specific image. This can affect the order in which images are returned by getImage. |
startFetching |
Start fetching images from the source to the Video Buffer of ImageSourceAdapter. |
stopFetching |
Stop fetching images from the source to the Video Buffer of ImageSourceAdapter. |
Sets the directory path and filter for the file search.
void setDirectory(String directoryPath, String filter, boolean recursive) throws UtilityException;
[in] directoryPath
: The directory path.
[in] filter
: A string that specifies file extensions. It determines which kinds of files to read. e.g “*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF”.
[in] recursive
: Specifies whether to load files recursively.
Error Code | Value | Description |
EC_READ_DIRECTORY_FAILED | -10064 | Failed to read the directory. |
Set the pages to read.
void setPages(int[] pages) throws UtilityException;
: An array that contains all the pages to read.
Error Code | Value | Description |
EC_FILE_NOT_FOUND | -10005 | File not found. |
EC_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | -10006 | The file type is not supported. |
EC_IMAGE_READ_FAILED | -10012 | Failed to read the image. |
The constructor.
Inherited Methods
The following methods are inherited from the ImageSourceAdapter
Method | Description |
hasNextImageToFetch |
Determines whether there are more images left to fetch. |
setMaxImageCount |
Set the maximum capability of the Video Buffer. |
getMaxImageCount |
Get the property defines the maximum capability of the Video Buffer. |
setBufferOverflowProtectionMode |
Sets a mode that determines the action to take when there is a new incoming image and the buffer is full. You can either block the Video Buffer or push out the oldest image and append a new one. |
getBufferOverflowProtectionMode |
Get the buffer overflow protection mode. |
getImageCount |
Get the current image count in the Video Buffer. |
isBufferEmpty |
Check whether the Video Buffer is empty. |
setColourChannelUsageType |
Set the usage type of a color channel in an image. |
getColourChannelUsageType |
Get the usage type of a color channel in an image. |
startFetching |
Start fetching images from the source to the Video Buffer of ImageSourceAdapter. |
stopFetching |
Stop fetching images from the source to the Video Buffer of ImageSourceAdapter. |
getImage |
Get an image from the Video Buffer. |
setNextImageToReturn(imageId) |
Specify the next image that is returned by method getImage. |
setNextImageToReturn(imageId,keepInBuffer) |
Specify the next image that is returned by method getImage. |
hasImage |
Check the availability of the specified image. |
addImageToBuffer |
Adds an image to the buffer of the adapter. |
clearBuffer |
Clears the image buffer. |
setErrorListener |
Clears the image buffer. |