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The MultiFrameResultCrossFilter class is responsible for filtering captured results.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.utility

Assembly: DynamsoftUtility.aar

class MultiFrameResultCrossFilter implements CapturedResultFilter


Method Description
enableResultDeduplication Enables or disables the deduplication process for one or multiple specific result item types.
enableResultCrossVerification Enables or disables the verification of one or multiple specific result item types.
setDuplicateForgetTime Sets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for a given result item type.
isResultDeduplicationEnabled Checks if deduplication is active for a given result item type.
isResultCrossVerificationEnabled Checks if verification is active for a given result item type.
getDuplicateForgetTime Gets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for a given result item type.


Enables or disables the deduplication process for one or multiple specific result item types.

void enableResultDeduplication(int resultItemTypes, bool enable);


[in] type: Specifies one or multiple specific result item types, which can be defined using CapturedResultItemType.

[in] enable: Boolean to toggle deduplication on or off.


Enables or disables the verification of one or multiple specific result item types.

void enableResultCrossVerification(int resultItemTypes, bool enable);


[in] type: Specifies one or multiple specific result item types, which can be defined using CapturedResultItemType.

[in] enable: Boolean to toggle verification on or off.


Sets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for a given result item type.

void setDuplicateForgetTime(int resultItemTypes, int time);


[in] type: Specifies one or multiple specific result item types, which can be defined using CapturedResultItemType.

[in] time: Time in milliseconds during which duplicates are disregarded.


Checks if deduplication is active for a given result item type.

boolean isResultDeduplicationEnabled(CapturedResultItemType type);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with CapturedResultItemType.

Return Value

Boolean indicating the deduplication status for the specified type.


Checks if verification is active for a given result item type.

boolean isResultCrossVerificationEnabled(CapturedResultItemType type);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with CapturedResultItemType.

Return Value

Boolean indicating the status of verification for the specified type.


Gets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for a given result item type.

int getDuplicateForgetTime(CapturedResultItemType type);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with CapturedResultItemType.

Return Value

The set interval for the specified item type.

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