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The MultiFrameResultCrossFilter class is responsible for filtering captured results.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.utility

Assembly: DynamsoftUtility.aar

class MultiFrameResultCrossFilter implements CapturedResultFilter


Method Description
enableLatestOverlapping Enables or disables the to-the-latest overlapping feature of one or multiple specific result item types. This feature can sharpenly increase the read-rate performance when decoding multiple barcodes under the video streaming.
enableResultCrossVerification Enables or disables the verification of one or multiple specific result item types.
enableResultDeduplication Enables or disables the deduplication process for one or multiple specific result item types.
getDuplicateForgetTime Gets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for a given result item type.
getMaxOverlappingFrames Get the maximum overlapping frames count for a given result item type.
isLatestOverlappingEnabled Checks if to-the-latest overlapping is active for a given result item type.
isResultCrossVerificationEnabled Checks if verification is active for a given result item type.
isResultDeduplicationEnabled Checks if deduplication is active for a given result item type.
setDuplicateForgetTime Sets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for specific result item types.
setMaxOverlappingFrames Set the maximum overlapping frames count for a given result item type.


Enables or disables the to-the-latest overlapping feature of one or multiple specific result item types. This feature can sharpenly increase the read-rate performance when decoding multiple barcodes under the video streaming.

void enableLatestOverlapping(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int type, boolean enable);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with EnumCapturedResultItemType.

[in] enable: Boolean to toggle to-the-latest overlapping on or off.


Enables or disables the verification of one or multiple specific result item types.

void enableResultCrossVerification(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int resultItemTypes, bool enable);


[in] type: Specifies one or multiple specific result item types, which can be defined using EnumCapturedResultItemType.

[in] enable: Boolean to toggle verification on or off.


Enables or disables the deduplication process for one or multiple specific result item types.

void enableResultDeduplication(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int resultItemTypes, bool enable);


[in] type: Specifies one or multiple specific result item types, which can be defined using EnumCapturedResultItemType.

[in] enable: Boolean to toggle deduplication on or off.


Gets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for a given result item type.

int getDuplicateForgetTime(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int type);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with EnumCapturedResultItemType.

Return Value

The set interval for the specified item type.


Get the maximum overlapping frames count for a given result item type.

int getMaxOverlappingFrames(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int type);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with EnumCapturedResultItemType.

Return Value

The maximum overlapping frame count for the overlapping.


Checks if to-the-latest overlapping is active for a given result item type.

boolean isLatestOverlappingEnabled(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int type);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with EnumCapturedResultItemType.

Return Value

Boolean indicating the to-the-latest overlapping status for the specified type.


Checks if deduplication is active for a given result item type.

boolean isResultDeduplicationEnabled(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int type);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with EnumCapturedResultItemType.

Return Value

Boolean indicating the deduplication status for the specified type.


Checks if verification is active for a given result item type.

boolean isResultCrossVerificationEnabled(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int type);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with EnumCapturedResultItemType.

Return Value

Boolean indicating the status of verification for the specified type.


Sets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for a given result item type.

void setDuplicateForgetTime(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int resultItemTypes, int time);


[in] type: Specifies one or multiple specific result item types, which can be defined using EnumCapturedResultItemType.

[in] time: Time in milliseconds during which duplicates are disregarded.


Set the maximum overlapping frames count for a given result item type. You can set it higher if:

  • You capture device is stationary or moving stably.
  • You want to further improve the read-rate.
void setMaxOverlappingFrames(@EnumCapturedResultItemType int type, int maxOverlappingFrames);


[in] type: Specifies the result item type with EnumCapturedResultItemType.

[in] maxOverlappingFrames: The maximum overlapping frame count for the overlapping.

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