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Class DCVBarcodeReader

DCVBarcodeReader accesses the camera via a DCVCameraView object at the native level, then perform continuous barcode scanning on the incoming frames.

class DCVBarcodeReader
Method Description
createInstance Create an instance of DCVBarcodeReader.
initLicense Initialize the license of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
getVersion Get the version of DCVBarcodeReader, which is packaged in Dynamsoft Capture Vision.
getRuntimeSettings Get the current runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader.
updateRuntimeSettings Update the runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader with a DBRRuntimeSettings object, a preset template or a JSON String.
resetRuntimeSettings Reset the runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader to default.
outputRuntimeSettingsToString Output the runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader to string.
startScanning Start the barcode decoding thread.
stopScanning Stop the barcode decoding thread.
addResultListener Specifies an event handler that fires after the library finishes scanning a frame.


Create an instance of DCVBarcodeReader.

static createInstance(): Promise<DCVBarcodeReader>;

Return Value

An instance of DCVBarcodeReader.

Code Snippet

dbr = await Dynamsoft.DCVBarcodeReader.createInstance()


Initialize the license of the Barcode Reader module.

static initLicense(license: String): Promise<void>;  


license: A license key.

Code Snippet

try {
    await Dynamsoft.DCVBarcodeReader.initLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9");
} catch (e) {


Get the version of DCVBarcodeReader, which is packaged in Dynamsoft Capture Vision.

static getVersion(): Promise<string>;

Return Value

The Version of DCVBarcodeReader.


Get the current runtime settings of DCVBarcodeReader.

getRuntimeSettings(): Promise<DBRRuntimeSettings>;

Return Value

An object of DBRRuntimeSettings that stores the runtime settings.

Code Snippet

let settings = await dbr.getRuntimeSettings();


Update the barcode decoding settings with a DBRRuntimeSettings struct, a preset template (from the EnumDBRPresetTemplate items) or a JSON String.

updateRuntimeSettings(settings: String | DBRRuntimeSettings | EnumDBRPresetTemplate): Promise<void>;


Settings: The parameter should be one of the following types:

  • settings (DBRRuntimeSettings): An object that stores DBRRuntimeSettings.
  • settings (EnumDBRPresetTemplate): One of the EnumDBRPresetTemplate member that indicates a preset template.
  • settings (String): A stringified JSON data that contains barcode decoding settings. The available settings include but not limited in DBRRuntimeSettings. You can access full feature of DBR when upload the settings from a JSON data.

Code Snippet

// Update runtime settings from a DBRRuntimeSettings object.
let settings = await dbr.getRuntimeSettings()
settings.expectedBarcodesCount = 5;
settings.timeout = 1000;
// Update runtime settings from a preset template
// Update runtime settings from a JSON template.


Reset the barcode decoding settings to default value.

resetRuntimeSettings(): void;


Output the barcode decoding settings to string.

outputRuntimeSettingsToString(): Promise<string>;

Return Value

A string that stores the barcode decoding settings. The barcode settings string can be applied to debug barcode decoding settings.


Start the barcode decoding thread.

startScanning(): void;


Stop the barcode decoding thread.

stopScanning(): void;


Specifies an event handler that fires after the library finishes scanning a frame.

addResultListener(listener: (results: BarcodeResult[]) => void): void;

Code Snippet

The following code snippet shows how to use barcode reader module to decode from video stream.

dbr.addResultListener((results) => {
    const resultElement = document.getElementById('show_result');
    var resultStr = ""
    if (results && results.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            resultStr=resultStr + results[i].barcodeFormatString+":"+results[i].barcodeText+'\n'
        resultElement.innerHTML = (resultStr)
    } else {
        resultElement.innerHTML = "No barcode detected in this frame."


Set the minimum image reading interval.

setMinImageReadingInterval(interval: number): void;


Get the minimum image reading interval.

getMinImageReadingInterval(): Promise<number>;

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Version 1.0

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      • Version 2.0.10
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.0.21
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
    • Version 1.x
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