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Class DCVCameraEnhancer

The interface DCVCameraEnhancer provides camera and camera related hardware controlling APIs.

class DCVCameraEnhancer
Method Description
createInstance Create an instance of DCVCameraEnhancer.
setScanRegion Specify the region of interest.
open Open the camera.
close Close the camera.
turnOnTorch Turn on the torch.
turnOffTorch Turn off the torch.


Create an instance of DCVCameraEnhancer.

static createInstance(): Promise<DCVCameraEnhancer>;

Return Value

An instance of DCVCameraEnhancer.

Code Snippet

dce = await Dynamsoft.DCVCameraEnhancer.createInstance()


Specify a region of interest.

setScanRegion(region: Region): Promise<void>;


region: An object of Region class. It contains the coordinates of the top, bottom, left and right border of the region. View more in Region.

Code Snippet

    regionLeft: 15,
    regionRight: 85,
    regionTop: 30,
    regionBottom: 70,
    regionMeasuredByPercentage: true

Related APIs


Open the camera.

open(): Promise<void>;


Close the camera.

close(): Promise<void>;


Turn on the torch.

turnOnTorch(): Promise<void>;


Turn off the torch.

turnOffTorch(): Promise<void>;

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