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Introduction to Dynamsoft Capture Vision C++ Edition

Dynamsoft Capture Vision (DCV) C++ Edition enables you to develop highly customizable applications for barcode reading, label recognition, document border detection, and result parsing with C++ language.

Dynamsoft Capture Vision is an aggregating SDK of a series of specific functional products including:

  • Dynamsoft Barcode Reader (DBR): enables users to quickly deploy barcode scanning functionality on all common barcodes such as 1D, QR, PDF417, etc.

  • Dynamsoft Label Recognizer (DLR): recognizes meaningful zonal text or symbols within an image, commonly referred to as a “Label” in this context.

  • Dynamsoft Document Normalizer (DDN): detects quadrilaterals (or “quads”) in images, such as document or table boundaries, and then perform document normalization on the images within those detected quads.

  • Dynamsoft Code Parser (DCP): extracts meaningful fields from text/bytes into human-readable information, typically used for post-processing results generated by DBR/DLR.

Getting Started with DCV C++ Edition

The best way to begin with Dynamsoft Capture Vision C++ Edition is to follow the guides for specific use cases.

System Requirements

  • Windows:
    • Supported Versions: Windows 7 and higher, or Windows Server 2003 and higher
    • Architecture: x64 and x86
    • Development Environment: Visual Studio 2012 or higher.
  • Linux:
    • Supported Distributions: Ubuntu 14.04.4+ LTS, Debian 8+, CentOS 6+
    • Architectures: x64 and ARM 64-bit
    • Minimum GLIBC Version: GLIBC_2.18 or higher
    • Compiler: G++ 5.4 or higher
  • macOS (not included in the trial package, contact us to get the SDK)
    • Supported Versions: 10.15+
    • Architecture: x64 and ARM 64-bit

API Reference

For an overview of the APIs, see the API Reference.

Release Notes

For a peek of DCV C++ Edition history, check the Release Notes.

License Subscription

To develop and run your application with Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK, you need an active license key:

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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