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CDecodedBarcodesResult Class

The CDecodedBarcodesResult class represents the result of a barcode reading process. It provides access to information about the decoded barcodes, the source image, and any errors that occurred during the barcode reading process.


Namespace: dynamsoft::dbr

Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader

class CDecodedBarcodesResult


Method Description
GetOriginalImageHashId Gets the hash ID of the source image.
GetOriginalImageTag Gets the tag of the source image.
GetItemsCount Gets the number of barcode result items in the barcode reading result.
GetItem Gets the barcode result item at the specified index.
HasItem Check if the barcode result item is present in the array.
RemoveItem Remove a specific barcode result item from the result array.
GetRotationTransformMatrix Get the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.
GetErrorCode Gets the error code of the barcode reading result, if an error occurred.
GetErrorString Gets the error message of the barcode reading result, if an error occurred.


Gets the hash ID of the source image.

virtual const char* GetOriginalImageHashId() const = 0;

Return value

Returns a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the hash ID of the source image.


Gets the tag of the source image.

virtual const CImageTag* GetOriginalImageTag() const = 0;

Return value

Returns a pointer to a CImageTag object representing the tag of the source image.

See Also



Gets the number of decoded barcode items in the barcode reading result.

virtual int GetItemsCount() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the number of decoded barcode items in the barcode reading result.


Gets the decoded barcode result item at the specified index.

virtual const CBarcodeResultItem* GetItem(int index) const = 0;


[in] index The zero-based index of the barcode result item to retrieve.

Return value

Returns a pointer to the CBarcodeResultItem object at the specified index.

See Also



Check if the barcode result item is present in the array.

bool HasItem(const CBarcodeResultItem* item) const


[in] item The specific item to check.

Return value

Returns a bool value indicating whether the item is present in the array or not.

See Also



Remove a specific barcode result item from the result array.

int RemoveItem(const CBarcodeResultItem* item)


[in] item The specific item to remove.

Return value

Return value indicating whether the deletion was successful or not.

See Also



Get the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.

void GetRotationTransformMatrix(double matrix[9]) const;


[out] matrix A double array which represents the rotation transform matrix.


Gets the error code of the barcode reading result, if an error occurred.

virtual int GetErrorCode() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the error code of the barcode reading result, or 0 if no error occurred.

See Also

Enumeration ErrorCode


Gets the error message of the barcode reading result, if an error occurred.

virtual const char* GetErrorString() const = 0;

Return value

Returns a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the error message of the barcode reading result, or a pointer to an empty string if no error occurred.

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