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The CImageTag class represents an image tag that can be attached to an image in a system. It contains information about the image, such as the image ID and the image capture distance mode.


Namespace: dynamsoft::basic_structures

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class CImageTag 

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetType Gets the type of the image tag.
Clone Creates a copy of the image tag.
GetImageId Gets the ID of the image.
SetImageId Sets the ID of the image.
GetImageCaptureDistanceMode Gets the capture distance mode of the image.
SetImageCaptureDistanceMode Sets the capture distance mode of the image.


Gets the type of the image tag.

virtual ImageTagType GetType() const

Return value

Returns the type of the image tag.

See Also



Creates a copy of the image tag.

virtual CImageTag* Clone() const

Return value

Returns a pointer to a copy of the image tag.

See Also



Gets the ID of the image.

int GetImageId() const

Return value

Returns the ID of the image.


Sets the ID of the image.

void SetImageId(int imgId)


[in] imgId The ID of the image.


Gets the capture distance mode of the image.

ImageCaptureDistanceMode GetImageCaptureDistanceMode() const

Return value

Returns the capture distance mode of the image.

See Also



Sets the capture distance mode of the image.

void SetImageCaptureDistanceMode(ImageCaptureDistanceMode mode)


[in] mode The capture distance mode of the image.

See Also


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