angle: number
The angle of a barcode. Values range from 0 to 360.
x1: number
The X coordinate of the left-most point.
x2: number
The X coordinate of the second point in a clockwise direction.
x3: number
The X coordinate of the third point in a clockwise direction.
x4: number
The X coordinate of the fourth point in a clockwise direction.
y1: number
The Y coordinate of the left-most point.
y2: number
The Y coordinate of the second point in a clockwise direction.
y3: number
The Y coordinate of the third point in a clockwise direction.
y4: number
The Y coordinate of the fourth point in a clockwise direction.
confidence: number
The confidence, or accuracy, of the localization result.
resultCoordinateType: number
Determines whether the coordinates of a located barcode (x1,x2,x3,etc.) are shared as pixel coordinates or as percentages of the total dimensions of the image or frame. To learn more, please refer to EnumResultCoordinateType.