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The RectDrawingItem class is a subclass of DrawingItem that represents a rectangular drawing item.


Assembly: package com.dynamsoft.dce

class RectDrawingItem extends DrawingItem


Method Description
getRect Get the rect information of the RectDrawingItem.
getMediaType Get the media type of the DrawingItem.
RectDrawingItem(rect) Create an instance of RectDrawingItem.
RectDrawingItem(rect,coordinateBase) Create an instance of RectDrawingItem.

Interited Methods

The following methods are inherited from the superclass DrawingItem.

Method Description
setDrawingStyleId Set the DrawingStyle of the DrawingItem. If a DrawingItem holds a drawing style ID, it will not use the default style of its layer.
getDrawingStyleId Get the DrawingStyle of the DrawingItem.
setState Set the state of the DrawingItem.
getState Get the state of the DrawingItem.
getCoordinateBase Get the coordinate base of the DrawingItem. The coordinate base is image by default.
getMediaType Get the media type of the DrawingItem.
addNote Add a note to the DrawingItem.
getNote Get the specified Note.
hasNote Check whether the specified Note exists.
updateNote Update the content of the specified Note.
deleteNote Remove the specified Note with the specified name.
getAllNotes Get all Notes of this DrawingItem.
clearNotes Remove all Notes of this DrawingItem.


Get the rect information of the RectDrawingItem. getRect(){}


Get the media type of the DrawingItem.

EnumDrawingItemMeidaType getMediaType;


Create an instance of RectDrawingItem.

RectDrawingItem( rect){}


rect: A object that stores the rect coordinates information.

Return Value

An instance of RectDrawingItem.


Create an instance of RectDrawingItem.

RectDrawingItem( rect, EnumCoordinateBase coordinateBase){}


rect: A object that stores the rect coordinates information.
coordinateBase: The coordinate base of the DrawingItem.

Return Value

An instance of RectDrawingItem.

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