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The DrawingStyleManager class is the manager of DrawingStyles in Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer.


Assembly: package com.dynamsoft.dce

class DrawingStyleManager


Method Description
getDrawingStyle Get the specified DrawingStyle.
createDrawingStyle Create an instance of the DrawingStyle and get the style ID.
getAllDrawingStyles Get all available DrawingStyles.

Constant Variables

Variable Type Description
STYLE_BLUE_STROKE int A preset DrawingStyle with blue stroke colour and no fill colour.
STYLE_GREEN_STROKE int A preset DrawingStyle with green stroke colour and no fill colour.
STYLE_ORANGE_STROKE int A preset DrawingStyle with orange stroke colour and no fill colour.
STYLE_YELLOW_STROKE int A preset DrawingStyle with yellow stroke colour and no fill colour.
STYLE_BLUE_STROKE_FILL int A preset DrawingStyle with blue stroke colour and fill colour.
STYLE_GREEN_STROKE_FILL int A preset DrawingStyle with green stroke colour and fill colour.
STYLE_ORANGE_STROKE_FILL int A preset DrawingStyle with orange stroke colour and fill colour.
STYLE_YELLOW_STROKE_FILL int A preset DrawingStyle with yellow stroke colour and fill colour.


Get the specified DrawingStyle.

static DrawingStyle getDrawingStyle(int styleId){}


styleId: Specify a style ID.

Return Value

The DrawingStyle with the specified ID.


Create an instance of the DrawingStyle and get the style ID.

static int createDrawingStyle(int strokeColor, float strokeWidth, int fillColor, int textColor){}


strokeColor: Set the stroke colour.
strokeWidth: Set the stroke width.
fillColor: Set the fill colour.
textColor: Set the text colour.

Return Value

The style ID of the created DrawingStyle.


Get all available DrawingStyles.

static DrawingStyle[] getAllDrawingStyles(){}

Return Value

An array that contains all available DrawingStyles.

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