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The CapturedResultReceiver interface provides methods for monitoring the output of captured results, which can consist of original image result(s), decoded barcode result(s), recognized text line result(s), detected quad result(s), normalized image result(s), or parsed result(s). The CapturedResultReceiver can add a receiver for any type of captured result or for a specific type of captured result, based on the method that is implemented.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.core.basic_structures

Assembly: DynamsoftCore.aar

interface CapturedResultReceiver


Method Description
onCapturedResultReceived The method for monitoring the output of CapturedResult.
onOriginalImageResultReceived The method for monitoring the output of OriginalImageResultItem.
onDecodedBarcodesReceived The method for monitoring the output of DecodedBarcodesResult.
onRecognizedTextLinesReceived The method for monitoring the output of RecognizedTextLinesResult.
onDetectedQuadsReceived The method for monitoring the output of DetectedQuadsResult.
onNormalizedImagesReceived The method for monitoring the output of NormalizedImagesResult.
onParsedResultsReceived The method for monitoring the output of ParsedResult.


The method for monitoring the output of CapturedResult.

void onCapturedResultReceived(CapturedResult result);


[in] result: A CapturedResult object as a captured result.


The method for monitoring the output of OriginalImageResultItem.

void onOriginalImageResultReceived(OriginalImageResultItem result);


[in] result: A OriginalImageResultItem object as a original image result.


The method for monitoring the output of DecodedBarcodesResult.

void onDecodedBarcodesReceived(DecodedBarcodesResult result);


[in] result: A DecodedBarcodesResult object as a decoded barcode result.


The method for monitoring the output of RecognizedTextLinesResult.

void onRecognizedTextLinesReceived(RecognizedTextLinesResult result);


[in] result: A RecognizedTextLinesResult object as a recognized text line result.


The method for monitoring the output of DetectedQuadsResult.

void onDetectedQuadsReceived(DetectedQuadsResult result);


[in] result: A DetectedQuadsResult object as a detected quad result.


The method for monitoring the output of NormalizedImagesResult.

void onNormalizedImagesReceived(NormalizedImagesResult result);


[in] result: A NormalizedImagesResult object as a normalized image result.


The method for monitoring the output of ParsedResult.

void onParsedResultsReceived(ParsedResult result);


[in] result: A ParsedResult object as a parsed result.

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