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The IntermediateResultReceiver interface includes methods for monitoring the output of intermediate results.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.core.intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore.aar

interface IntermediateResultReceiver


Method Description
getObservationParameters Get an ObservationParameters object to configure the observation settings.
onPredetectedRegionsReceived The method for monitoring the output of PredetectedRegionsUnit.
onLocalizedBarcodesReceived The method for monitoring the output of LocalizedBarcodesUnit.
onDecodedBarcodesReceived The method for monitoring the output of DecodedBarcodesUnit.
onLocalizedTextLinesReceived The method for monitoring the output of LocalizedTextLinesUnit.
onRecognizedTextLinesReceived The method for monitoring the output of RecognizedTextLinesUnit.
onDetectedQuadsReceived The method for monitoring the output of DetectedQuadsUnit.
onNormalizedImagesReceived The method for monitoring the output of NormalizedImagesUnit.
onColourImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of ColourImageUnit.
onScaledDownColourImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of ScaledDownColourImageUnit.
onGrayscaleImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of GrayscaleImageUnit.
onTransformedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of TransformedGrayscaleImageUnit.
onEnhancedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of EnhancedGrayscaleImageUnit.
onBinaryImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of BinaryImageUnit.
onTextureDetectionResultUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of TextureDetectionResultUnit.
onTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of TextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit.
onTextureRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of TextureRemovedBinaryImageUnit.
onContoursUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of ContoursUnit.
onLineSegmentsUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of LineSegmentsUnit.
onTextZonesUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of TextZonesUnit.
onTextRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of TextRemovedBinaryImageUnit.
onLongLinesUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of LongLinesUnit.
onCornersUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of CornersUnit.
onCandidateQuadEdgesUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of CandidateQuadEdgesUnit.
onCandidateBarcodeZonesUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit.
onScaledUpBarcodeImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of ScaledUpBarcodeImageUnit.
onDeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of DeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnit.
onComplementedBarcodeImageUnitReceived The method for monitoring the output of ComplementedBarcodeImageUnit.
onTaskResultsReceived The method for monitoring the output of task results.


Get a ObservationParameters object to configure the observation settings.

ObservationParameters getObservationParameters();

Return Value

An ObservationParameters object.


The method for monitoring the output of PredetectedRegionsUnit.

void onPredetectedRegionsReceived(PredetectedRegionsUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A PredetectedRegionsUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of LocalizedBarcodesUnit.

void onLocalizedBarcodesReceived(LocalizedBarcodesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A LocalizedBarcodesUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of DecodedBarcodesUnit.

void onDecodedBarcodesReceived(DecodedBarcodesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A DecodedBarcodesUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of LocalizedTextLines.

void onLocalizedTextLinesReceived(LocalizedTextLinesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A LocalizedTextLines object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of RecognizedTextLinesUnit.

void onRecognizedTextLinesReceived(RecognizedTextLinesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A RecognizedTextLinesUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of DetectedQuadsUnit.

void onDetectedQuadsReceived(DetectedQuadsUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A DetectedQuadsUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of NormalizedImagesUnit.

void onNormalizedImagesReceived(NormalizedImagesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A NormalizedImagesUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of ColourImageUnit.

void onColourImageUnitReceived(ColourImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A ColourImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of ScaledDownColourImageUnit.

void onScaledDownColourImageUnitReceived(ScaledDownColourImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A ScaledDownColourImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of GrayscaleImageUnit.

void onGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(GrayscaleImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A GrayscaleImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of TransformedGrayscaleImageUnit.

void onTransformedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(TransformedGrayscaleImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A TransformedGrayscaleImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of EnhancedGrayscaleImageUnit.

void onEnhancedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(EnhancedGrayscaleImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: An EnhancedGrayscaleImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of BinaryImageUnit.

void onBinaryImageUnitReceived(BinaryImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A BinaryImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of TextureDetectionResultUnit.

void onTextureDetectionResultUnitReceived(TextureDetectionResultUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A TextureDetectionResultUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of TextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit.

void onTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(TextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A TextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of TextureRemovedBinaryImageUnit.

void onTextureRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived(TextureRemovedBinaryImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A TextureRemovedBinaryImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of ContoursUnit.

void onContoursUnitReceived(ContoursUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A ContoursUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of LineSegmentsUnit.

void onLineSegmentsUnitReceived(LineSegmentsUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A LineSegmentsUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of TextZonesUnit.

void onTextZonesUnitReceived(TextZonesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A TextZonesUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of TextRemovedBinaryImageUnit.

void onTextRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived(TextRemovedBinaryImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A TextRemovedBinaryImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of LongLinesUnit.

void onLongLinesUnitReceived(LongLinesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A LongLinesUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of CornersUnit.

void onCornersUnitReceived(CornersUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A CornersUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of CandidateQuadEdgesUnit.

void onCandidateQuadEdgesUnitReceived(CandidateQuadEdgesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A CandidateQuadEdgesUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit.

void onCandidateBarcodeZonesUnitReceived(CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of ScaledUpBarcodeImageUnit.

void onScaledUpBarcodeImageUnitReceived(ScaledUpBarcodeImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A ScaledUpBarcodeImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of DeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnit.

void onDeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnitReceived(DeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A DeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of ComplementedBarcodeImageUnit.

void onComplementedBarcodeImageUnitReceived(ComplementedBarcodeImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: A ComplementedBarcodeImageUnit object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.


The method for monitoring the output of IntermediateResult.

void onTaskResultsReceived(IntermediateResult result, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: An IntermediateResult object output by the library.

[in] info: The extra info of the result.

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