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You are reading a history page of DynamsoftCore. Start from v3.2.10, the IntermediateResultReceiver class is moved to the DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter module. View the DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.IntermediateResultReceiver for the latest version.

The IntermediateResultReceiver interface includes methods for monitoring the output of intermediate results.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.core.intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore.aar

interface IntermediateResultReceiver


Method Description
getObservationParameters Gets the observed parameters of the intermediate result receiver. Allowing for configuration of intermediate result observation.
onPredetectedRegionsReceived The callback method triggered when a pre-detected regions unit is received.
onLocalizedBarcodesReceived The callback method triggered when a localized barcodes unit is received.
onDecodedBarcodesReceived The callback method triggered when a decoded barcodes unit is received.
onLocalizedTextLinesReceived The callback method triggered when a localized text lines unit is received.
onRecognizedTextLinesReceived The callback method triggered when a recognized text lines unit is received.
onDetectedQuadsReceived The callback method triggered when a detected quads unit is received.
onNormalizedImagesReceived The callback method triggered when a normalized images unit is received.
onColourImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a colour images unit is received.
onScaledDownColourImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a scaled down colour images unit is received.
onGrayscaleImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a grayscale images unit is received.
onTransformedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a transformed grayscale images unit is received.
onEnhancedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a enhanced grayscale images unit is received.
onBinaryImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a binary images unit is received.
onTextureDetectionResultUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a texture detection results unit is received.
onTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a texture-removed grayscale images unit is received.
onTextureRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a texture-removed binary images unit is received.
onContoursUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a contours unit is received.
onLineSegmentsUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a line segments unit is received.
onTextZonesUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a text zones unit is received.
onTextRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a text removed binary images unit is received.
onLongLinesUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a long lines unit is received.
onCornersUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a corners unit is received.
onCandidateQuadEdgesUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a candidate quad edges unit is received.
onCandidateBarcodeZonesUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a candidate barcode zones unit is received.
onScaledUpBarcodeImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a scaled up barcode images unit is received.
onDeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a deformation-resisted barcode images unit is received.
onComplementedBarcodeImageUnitReceived The callback method triggered when a complemented barcode images unit is received.
onTaskResultsReceived The callback method triggered when a task results unit is received.


Gets the observed parameters of the intermediate result receiver. Allowing for configuration of intermediate result observation.

ObservationParameters getObservationParameters();

Return Value

The observed parameters, of type ObservationParameters. The default parameters are to observe all intermediate result unit types and all tasks.


The callback method triggered when a pre-detected regions unit is received.

void onPredetectedRegionsReceived(PredetectedRegionsUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the pre-detected regions, of type PredetectedRegionsUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a localized barcodes unit is received.

void onLocalizedBarcodesReceived(LocalizedBarcodesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the localized barcodes, of type LocalizedBarcodesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a decoded barcodes unit is received.

void onDecodedBarcodesReceived(DecodedBarcodesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the decoded barcodes, of type DecodedBarcodesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a localized text lines unit is received.

void onLocalizedTextLinesReceived(LocalizedTextLinesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the localized text lines, of type LocalizedTextLinesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a recognized text lines unit is received.

void onRecognizedTextLinesReceived(RecognizedTextLinesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the recognized text lines, of type RecognizedTextLinesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a detected quads unit is received.

void onDetectedQuadsReceived(DetectedQuadsUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the detected quads, of type DetectedQuadsUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a normalized images unit is received.

void onNormalizedImagesReceived(NormalizedImagesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the normalized images, of type NormalizedImagesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a colour images unit is received.

void onColourImageUnitReceived(ColourImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the colour images, of type ColourImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a scaled-down colour images unit is received.

void onScaledDownColourImageUnitReceived(ScaledDownColourImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the scaled-down colour images, of type ScaledDownColourImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a grayscale images unit is received.

void onGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(GrayscaleImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the grayscale images, of type GrayscaleImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a transformed grayscale images unit is received.

void onTransformedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(TransformedGrayscaleImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the transformed grayscale images, of type TransformedGrayscaleImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a enhanced grayscale images unit is received.

void onEnhancedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(EnhancedGrayscaleImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the enhanced grayscale images, of type EnhancedGrayscaleImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a binary images unit is received.

void onBinaryImageUnitReceived(BinaryImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the binary images, of type BinaryImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a texture detection results unit is received.

void onTextureDetectionResultUnitReceived(TextureDetectionResultUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the texture detection results, of type TextureDetectionResultUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a texture removed grayscale images unit is received.

void onTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(TextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the texture removed grayscale images, of type TextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a texture removed binary images unit is received.

void onTextureRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived(TextureRemovedBinaryImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the texture removed binary images, of type TextureRemovedBinaryImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a contours unit is received.

void onContoursUnitReceived(ContoursUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the contours, of type ContoursUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a line segments unit is received.

void onLineSegmentsUnitReceived(LineSegmentsUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the line segments, of type LineSegmentsUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a text zones unit is received.

void onTextZonesUnitReceived(TextZonesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the text zones, of type TextZonesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a text removed binary images unit is received.

void onTextRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived(TextRemovedBinaryImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the text removed binary images, of type TextRemovedBinaryImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a long lines unit is received.

void onLongLinesUnitReceived(LongLinesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the long lines, of type LongLinesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a corners unit is received.

void onCornersUnitReceived(CornersUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the corners, of type CornersUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a candidate quad edges unit is received.

void onCandidateQuadEdgesUnitReceived(CandidateQuadEdgesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the candidate quad edges, of type CandidateQuadEdgesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a candidate barcode zones unit is received.

void onCandidateBarcodeZonesUnitReceived(CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the candidate barcode zones, of type CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a scaled up barcode images unit is received.

void onScaledUpBarcodeImageUnitReceived(ScaledUpBarcodeImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the scaled up barcode images, of type ScaledUpBarcodeImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a deformation resisted barcode images unit is received.

void onDeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnitReceived(DeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the deformation resisted barcode images, of type DeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a complemented barcode images unit is received.

void onComplementedBarcodeImageUnitReceived(ComplementedBarcodeImageUnit unit, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the complemented barcode images, of type ComplementedBarcodeImageUnit.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.


The callback method triggered when a task results unit is received.

void onTaskResultsReceived(IntermediateResult result, IntermediateResultExtraInfo info);


[in] unit: The result unit that contains the task results, of type IntermediateResult.

[in] info: Additional information about the result, of type IntermediateResultExtraInfo.

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