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You are viewing a history document page of DynamsoftUtility v1.0.10.

The FileFetcher class is a utility class that partitions a multi-page image file into multiple independent ImageData objects. It inherits from the ImageSourceAdapter class.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.utility

Assembly: DynamsoftUtility.aar

class FileFetcher


Method Description
setFile(filePath) Sets the file with a file path.
setFile(fileBytes) Sets the file with file bytes.
setFile(imageData) Sets the file with a ImageData object.
setFile(bitmap) Sets the file with a Bitmap.
hasNextImageToFetch Whether there is a next image to fetch.
getImage Get the image data of the image.


Sets the file with a file path.

void setFile(String filePath) throws UtilityException


[in] filePath: The file path.


Error Code Value Description
EC_FILE_NOT_FOUND -10005 The file is not found.
EC_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -10006 The file type is not supported.


Sets the file with file bytes.

void setFile(byte[] fileBytes) throws UtilityException


[in] fileBytes: The file bytes.


Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The fileBytes you input is null.


Sets the file with a ImageData object.

void setFile(ImageData imageData) throws UtilityException


[in] buffer: The image data.


Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The ImageData object is null.


Sets the file with an

void setFile(Bitmap bitmap) throws UtilityException


[in] image: An


Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The image data of the Bitmap is null.


Whether there is a next image to fetch.

boolean hasNextImageToFetch()

Return Value

A boolean value that indicates whether there is a next image to fetch.


Get the image data of the image.

ImageData getImage()

Return Value

A ImageData as the image.

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