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The FileFetcher class is a utility class that partitions a multi-page image file into multiple independent ImageData objects. It inherits the ImageSourceAdapter class so that you can set it as the input of CaptureVisionRouter with the API setInput.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.utility

Assembly: DynamsoftUtility.aar

class FileFetcher


Method Description
setFile(filePath) Sets the file with a file path.
setFile(fileBytes) Sets the file with file bytes.
setFile(imageData) Sets the file with a ImageData object.
setFile(bitmap) Sets the file with a Bitmap.
hasNextImageToFetch Whether there is a next image to fetch.
getImage Get the image data of the image.
setPages Set the pages to read.

The following methods are inherited from ImageSourceAdapter.

Method Description
addImageToBuffer Adds an image to the internal buffer.
clearBuffer Clears all images from the buffer, resetting the state for new image fetching.
getBufferOverflowProtectionMode Get the current mode for handling buffer overflow.
getColourChannelUsageType Get the current usage type for color channels in images.
getImageCount Get the current number of images in the buffer.
getImage Get a buffered image. Implementing classes should return a Promise that resolves with an instance of DSImageData.
getMaxImageCount Get the maximum number of images that can be buffered.
hasImage Checks if an image with the specified ID is present in the buffer.
hasNextImageToFetch Determines whether there are more images available to fetch.
isBufferEmpty Determines whether the buffer is currently empty.
setBufferOverflowProtectionMode Sets the behavior for handling new incoming images when the buffer is full.
setColourChannelUsageType Sets the usage type for color channels in images.
setErrorListener Sets an error listener to receive notifications about errors that occur during image source operations.
setMaxImageCount Sets the maximum number of images that can be buffered at any time.
setNextImageToReturn(imageId) Sets the processing priority of a specific image. This can affect the order in which images are returned by getImage.
setNextImageToReturn(imageId,keepInBuffer) Sets the processing priority of a specific image. This can affect the order in which images are returned by getImage.
startFetching Start fetching images from the source to the Video Buffer of ImageSourceAdapter.
stopFetching Stop fetching images from the source to the Video Buffer of ImageSourceAdapter.


Sets the file with a file path.

void setFile(String filePath) throws UtilityException


[in] filePath: The file path.


Error Code Value Description
EC_FILE_NOT_FOUND -10005 The file is not found.
EC_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -10006 The file type is not supported.


Sets the file with file bytes.

void setFile(byte[] fileBytes) throws UtilityException


[in] fileBytes: The file bytes.


Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The fileBytes you input is null.


Sets the file with a ImageData object.

void setFile(ImageData imageData) throws UtilityException


[in] buffer: The image data.


Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The ImageData object is null.


Sets the file with an

void setFile(Bitmap bitmap) throws UtilityException


[in] image: An


Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The image data of the Bitmap is null.


Whether there is a next image to fetch.

boolean hasNextImageToFetch()

Return Value

A boolean value that indicates whether there is a next image to fetch.


Get the image data of the image.

ImageData getImage()

Return Value

A ImageData as the image.


Set the pages to read.

void setPages(int[] pages) throws UtilityException;


pages: An array that contains all the pages to read.


Error Code Value Description
EC_FILE_NOT_FOUND -10005 File not found.
EC_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -10006 The file type is not supported.
EC_IMAGE_READ_FAILED -10012 Failed to read the image.

Inherited Methods

The following methods are inherited from the ImageSourceAdapter class:

Method Description
hasNextImageToFetch Determines whether there are more images left to fetch.
setMaxImageCount Set the maximum capability of the Video Buffer.
getMaxImageCount Get the property defines the maximum capability of the Video Buffer.
setBufferOverflowProtectionMode Sets a mode that determines the action to take when there is a new incoming image and the buffer is full. You can either block the Video Buffer or push out the oldest image and append a new one.
getBufferOverflowProtectionMode Get the buffer overflow protection mode.
getImageCount Get the current image count in the Video Buffer.
isBufferEmpty Check whether the Video Buffer is empty.
setColourChannelUsageType Set the usage type of a color channel in an image.
getColourChannelUsageType Get the usage type of a color channel in an image.
startFetching Start fetching images from the source to the Video Buffer of ImageSourceAdapter.
stopFetching Stop fetching images from the source to the Video Buffer of ImageSourceAdapter.
getImage Get an image from the Video Buffer.
setNextImageToReturn(imageId) Specify the next image that is returned by method getImage.
setNextImageToReturn(imageId,keepInBuffer) Specify the next image that is returned by method getImage.
hasImage Check the availability of the specified image.
addImageToBuffer Adds an image to the buffer of the adapter.
clearBuffer Clears the image buffer.
setErrorListener Clears the image buffer.

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