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Release Notes for Flutter SDK - 1.x

1.3.1 (07/08/2024)

  • Added a new method setDeviceFriendlyName to the class DCVBarcodeReader for users to set human readable names for the devices.

1.3.0 (04/03/2024)

1.2.2 (03/17/2023)


  • Fixed a crash bug on the devices that do not support 16:9 size resolution.
  • Fixed a display bug when the display orientation is landscape.

1.2.1 (01/12/2023)


  • Optimized the internal code to support more usage scenarios.

1.2.0 (11/16/2022)


  • Extended DBRRuntimeSettings with more mode parameters. You can further optimize the barcode decoding performance of your project with the mode parameters:
    • binarizationModes
    • deblurLevel
    • deblurModes
    • region
    • scaleDownThreshold
    • scaleUpModes
    • textResultOrderModes
    • furtherModes
  • Added a new class FurtherModes to set the furtherModes parameter of DBRRuntimeSettings.
  • Added new methods setModeArgument and getModeArgument in class DCVBarcodeReader. These two methods give you access to the optional arguments of the mode parameters.
  • Added enumeration classes to set mode parameters.

1.1.0 (09/08/2022)


  • Added a new method decodeFile in Barcode Reader module to decode barcodes from an image file.
  • Added a new method enableResultVerification in Barcode Reader module to further improve the accuracy of barcode result.
  • Added a new property torchButton to DCVCameraView class for users to create a torch button on the view.
  • Added a new class Rect.
  • Added a new property barcodeBytes in BarcodeResult to output the byte data of the barcode.
  • Added a new property minResultConfidence in DBRRuntimeSettings to filter the barcode results by confidence.
  • Added a new property minResultTextLength in DBRRuntimeSettings to filter the barcode results by text length.
  • Added DCVCameraEnhancer class. Moved camera control APIs from DCVCameraView class to DCVCameraEnhancer class. Added a new method selectCamera in DCVCameraEnhancer class for users to switch between front-facing camera and back-facing camera.
  • Added an enumeration EnumCameraPosition.


1.0.0 (07/12/2022)

  • Dynamsoft Capture Vision is an aggregating SDK of a series of specific functional products. In version 1.0, The following products are included:
    • Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer: Provides camera enhancements and UI configuration APIs.
    • Dynamsoft Barcode Reader: Provides barcode decoding algorithm and APIs.

This page is compatible for:

Version 1.0

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In this article:

latest version

    • Latest version
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.0.21
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.0.21
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
    • Version 1.x
      • Version 1.2.1
      • Version 1.2.0
      • Version 1.1.0
      • Version 1.0.0
      • Version 1.0.4
      • Version 1.0.3
      • Version 1.0.2
      • Version 1.0.1
      • Version 1.0.0
      • Version 1.1.13
      • Version 1.1.12
      • Version 1.1.11
      • Version 1.1.9
      • Version 1.1.8
      • Version 1.1.7
      • Version 1.1.6
      • Version 1.1.5
      • Version 1.1.4
      • Version 1.1.3
      • Version 1.1.2
      • Version 1.1.1
      • Version 1.1.0
      • Version 1.0.0
      • Version 1.0.4
      • Version 1.0.3
      • Version 1.0.2
      • Version 1.0.1
      • Version 1.0.0
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