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The OriginalImageResultItem class extends the CapturedResultItem class and represents an original image result item.


Assembly: DynamsoftCore.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSOriginalImageResultItem : DSCapturedResultItem
  2. class OriginalImageResultItem : CapturedResultItem


Attributes Type Description
imageData DSImageData * The image data of the captured original image result item.

Inherited Attributes

Attributes Type Description
type DSCapturedResultItemType The type of the captured result item, indicating what kind of data it represents.
referenceItem DSCapturedResultItem * A property of type DSCapturedResultItem that represents a reference to another captured result item.
targetROIDefName NSString The name of the TargetROIDef object which includes a task that generated the result.
taskName NSString The name of the task that generated the result.


The image data of the captured original image result item.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) DSImageData* imageData;
  2. var imageData: ImageData { get }

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