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The DSImageManager class is a utility class for managing and manipulating images. It provides functionality for saving images to files and drawing various shapes on images.


Assembly: DynamsoftUtility.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSImageManager : NSObject
  2. class ImageManager : NSObject


Method Description
saveToFile Saves an image to the specified path and format.
drawOnImage(image,quads,colour,thickness) Add quadrilaterals on the image.
drawOnImage(image,lines,colour,thickness) Add lines on the image.
drawOnImage(image,contours,colour,thickness) Add contours on the image.
drawOnImage(image,corners,colour,thickness) Add corners on the image.
drawOnImage(image,edges,colour,thickness) Add edges on the image.


Saves an image to the specified path and format. The desired file format is inferred from the file extension provided in the path parameter.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (BOOL)saveToFile:(DSImageData *)imageData
              path:(NSString *)path
             error:(NSError * _Nullable * _Nullable)error;
  2. func save(toFile imageData: ImageData, path: String, overWrite: Bool) throws -> Bool


imageData: The image to be saved, of type ImageData.

path: The file path, name and extension name, as a string, under which the image will be saved.

overWrite: A flag indicating whether to overwrite the file if it already exists. Defaults to true.

error: An NSError pointer. If an error occurs, it will represent the error information.


Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The ImageData object is null.
EC_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -10006 The file type is not supported.
EC_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS -10067 The file already exists but overwriting is disabled.
EC_CREATE_FILE_FAILED -10068 The file path does not exist but cannot be created, or the file cannot be created for any other reason.
EC_IMGAE_DATA_INVALID -10069 The input ImageData object contains invalid parameter(s).

Return Value

A BOOL value that indicates whether the file is saved successfully.


Add quadrilaterals on the image.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (DSImageData *)drawOnImage:(DSImageData *)image
                       quads:(NSArray<DSQuadrilateral *> *)quads
  2. func drawOnImage(_ image: ImageData, quads: [Quadrilateral], colour: UIColor, thickness: Int) -> ImageData


image: The ImageData to modify.

quads: An array of Quadrilateral objects to be added on the image.

colour: A UIColor that specifies the targeting colour.

thickness: The width of the border.

Return Value

The modified ImageData.


Add lines on the image.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (DSImageData *)drawOnImage:(DSImageData *)image
                lineSegments:(NSArray<DSLineSegment *> *)lineSegments
  2. func drawOnImage(_ image: ImageData, lineSegments: [LineSegment], colour: UIColor, thickness: Int) -> ImageData


image: The ImageData to modify.

lineSegments: An array of LineSegment objects to be added on the image.

colour: A UIColor that specifies the targeting colour.

thickness: The width of the lines.

Return Value

The modified ImageData.


Add contours on the image.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (DSImageData *)drawOnImage:(DSImageData *)image
                    contours:(NSArray<DSContour *> *)contours
  2. func drawOnImage(_ image: ImageData, contours: [Contour], colour: UIColor, thickness: Int) -> ImageData


image: The ImageData to modify.

contours: An array of Contour objects to be added on the image.

colour: A UIColor that specifies the targeting colour.

thickness: The width of the borders.

Return Value

The modified ImageData.


Add corners on the image.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (DSImageData *)drawOnImage:(DSImageData *)image
                     corners:(NSArray<DSCorner *> *)corners
  2. func drawOnImage(_ image: ImageData, corners: [Corner], colour: UIColor, thickness: Int) -> ImageData


image: The ImageData to modify.

corners: An array of Corner objects to be added on the image.

colour: A UIColor that specifies the targeting colour.

thickness: The width of the lines.

Return Value

The modified ImageData.


Add edges on the image.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (DSImageData *)drawOnImage:(DSImageData *)image
                       edges:(NSArray<DSEdge *> *)edges
  2. func drawOnImage(_ image: ImageData, edges: [Edge], colour: UIColor, thickness: Int) -> ImageData


image: The ImageData to modify.
edges: An array of DSEdge objects to be added on the image.
colour: A UIColor that specifies the targeting colour.
thickness: The width of the lines.

Return Value

The modified ImageData.

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