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Interface IDCVCameraEnhancer

The interface IDCVCameraEnhancer provides camera and related hardware controlling APIs.

interface IDCVCameraEnhancer
Method Description
ScanRegion The property for users to specify the region of interest.
ScanRegionVisible Set or get the visibility of the scan region.
Open Open the camera.
Close Close the camera.
TurnOnTorch Turn on the torch.
TurnOffTorch Turn off the torch.
SetFocus Trigger a focus at the targeting point and set the subsequent focus mode after focused.
EnableFeatures Enable camera enhancer features by inputting EnumEnhancerFeatures value.
DisableFeatures Disable camera enhancer features by inputting EnumEnhancerFeatures values.
IsFeatureEnabled Returns a boolean value that means whether the feature(s) you input is (are) enabled.
SetZoomFactor Set the zoom factor. The camera will zoom in/out immediately after this method is triggered.
AutoZoomRange A Range value that indicates the maximum available zoom factor of the device.
MaxZoomFactor A float property that indicates the maximum available zoom factor of the device.


Specify a region of interest. Once the scan region is set, the video frames will be cropped so that the library process the region only. The scan region you specified will be displayed on the view by default. You can hide the scan region by setting ScanRegionVisible to false.

Region ScanRegion { get; set; }


scanRegion: An object of Region class which indicates the location of the region.

Related APIs

  • ScanRegionVisible: You can set whether to display the scan region.
  • BarcodeLocationResult: Since the video frame is cropped based on the scan region, the Location you get from BarcodeLocationResult is based on the cropped video frame.

Code Snippet

Specify a scan region and display it on the view:

DCVXamarin.Region scanRegion = new DCVXamarin.Region();
scanRegion.RegionTop = 30;
scanRegion.RegionBottom = 70;
scanRegion.RegionLeft = 15;
scanRegion.RegionRight = 85;
scanRegion.RegionMeasuredByPercentage = 1;
protected override void OnAppearing()
    // Set scan region on appearing
    App.dce.ScanRegion = scanRegion;

Related APIs


Set or get the visibility of the scan region.

bool ScanRegionVisible { get; set; }

Code Snippet

The following code snippet shows how to set the scan region but hide it on the view.

DCVXamarin.Region scanRegion = new DCVXamarin.Region();
scanRegion.RegionTop = 30;
scanRegion.RegionBottom = 70;
scanRegion.RegionLeft = 15;
scanRegion.RegionRight = 85;
scanRegion.RegionMeasuredByPercentage = 1;
protected override void OnAppearing()
    App.dce.ScanRegion = scanRegion;

    // Hide the scan region with the following line.
    App.dce.ScanRegionVisible = false;


Open the camera.

void Open();


Close the camera.

void Close();


Turn on the torch.

void TurnOnTorch();


Turn off the torch.

void TurnOffTorch();


Trigger a focus at the targeting point and set the subsequent focus mode after focused.

void SetFocus(Point focusPoint, EnumFocusMode subsequentFocusMode);


[in] focusPosition: An Point object indicates the interest area.
[in] subsequentFocusMode: Specify a mode with EnumFocusMode. If you set the focus mode to FM_LOCKED, the focallength will be lock after the focus. Otherwise, the continuous auto focus that control by the hardware is still enabled.


Enable camera enhancer features by inputting EnumEnhancerFeatures value.

void EnableFeatures(EnumEnhancerFeatures enhancerFeatures);


enhancerFeatures: The combined value of EnumEnhancerFeatures.


Disable camera enhancer features by inputting EnumEnhancerFeatures values.

void DisableFeatures(EnumEnhancerFeatures enhancerFeatures);


enhancerFeatures: The combined value of EnumEnhancerFeatures.


Returns a boolean value that means whether the feature(s) you input is (are) enabled.

bool IsFeatureEnabled(EnumEnhancerFeatures enhancerFeatures);


enhancerFeatures: The combined value of EnumEnhancerFeatures.


Set the zoom factor. The camera will zoom in/out immediately after this method is triggered.

void SetZoomFactor(float factor);


factor: The target zoom factor.


A Range value that indicates the maximum available zoom factor of the device.

Range AutoZoomRange { get; set; }


A float property that indicates the maximum available zoom factor of the device.

float MaxZoomFactor { get; }

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